All Classes and Interfaces
A skeleton eventspy that does nothing other than helping implementors.
Provides a skeleton implementation for execution listeners.
Base lifecycle mapping provider, ie per-packaging plugin bindings for
lifecycle.Base lifecycle provider.
Allows core extensions to participate in Maven build session lifecycle.
Describes whether a target should be activated or not, and if that is required or optional.
Apply multiple filters.
A path translator that resolves relative paths against a specific base directory.
Thrown when a bean couldn't be configured.
Postprocesses filesystem paths.
A request to configure a bean from some configuration in the POM or similar.
Preprocesses a value from a bean configuration before the bean configurator unmarshals it into a bean property.
Unmarshals some textual configuration from the POM or similar into the properties of a bean.
packaging plugins bindings provider for default
lifecycle.A special throwable used to signal a graceful abort of the build.
encapsulates a strategy for building a set of Maven projects.Common code that is shared by the LifecycleModuleBuilder and the LifeCycleWeaveBuilder
An abstract build event sink.
Summarizes the result of a failed project build in the reactor.
One or more builds failed.
NOTE: This class is not part of any public api and can be changed or deleted without prior notice.
Builds the full lifecycle in weave-mode (phase by phase as opposed to project-by-project).
Logs debug output from the various lifecycle phases.
Instances of this class are responsible for determining whether it makes sense to "resume" a build (i.e., using
flag.This class holds the information required to enable resuming a Maven build with
.Instances of this interface retrieve and store data for the --resume / -r feature.
This exception will be thrown when something fails while persisting build resumption data.
Summarizes the result of a successful project build in the reactor.
Summarizes the result of a project build in the reactor.
implementation that ensures the corresponding threads have a meaningful name.Describes a constituent of a class realm.
Manages the class realms used by Maven.
ClassRealmManagerDelegate is used to perform addition configuration of
class realms created by ClassRealmManager.
Describes the requirements for a new class realm.
The type of a class realm.
Presents a view of the Dependency Graph that is suited for concurrent building.
Starts the build life cycle
Consumer POM transformer.
Provides information about artifacts (identified by groupId:artifactId string key) and classpath elements exported by
Maven core itself and loaded Maven core extensions.
Provides information about artifacts (identified by groupId:artifactId string key) and classpath elements exported by
Maven core itself or a Maven core extension.
Access to core
.Filter to only retain objects in the given scope or better.
Exception occurring trying to resolve a plugin.
A basic bean configuration request.
Warning: This is an internal class that is only public for technical reasons, it is not part of the
public API.
Default implementation of
.This implementation of
persists information in a properties file.Manages the class realms used by Maven.
Transform an exception into useful end-user message.
Assists in firing execution events.
Default extension realm cache implementation.
Builds the
inter-dependencies graph
between projects in the reactor.Helps to provide backward-compatibility with plugins that use legacy components.
Handles injection of plugin executions induced by the lifecycle bindings for a packaging.
The domain-specific model merger for lifecycle bindings
NOTE: This class is not part of any public api and can be changed or deleted without prior notice.
A facade that provides lifecycle services to components outside maven core.
Lifecycle mapping delegate component interface.
NOTE: This class is not part of any public api and can be changed or deleted without prior notice.
TODO: this is session scoped as SPI can contribute.
Starts the build life cycle
Calculates the task segments in the build
Assists in populating an execution request for invocation of Maven.
Provides basic services to manage Maven plugins and their mojos.
Handles deserialization of metadata from some kind of textual format like XML.
Default mojo execution strategy.
TODO: this is session scoped as SPI can contribute.
Assists in resolving the dependencies of a plugin.
Caches raw plugin descriptors.
Collects settings required to resolve a plugin prefix.
Resolves a plugin prefix.
Default PluginCache implementation.
Collects settings required to resolve the version for a plugin.
Resolves a version for a plugin.
Default component responsible for creation of MavenProject#dependencyArtifacts instances.
Assists the project builder.
Describes the interdependencies between projects in the reactor.
Default project realm cache implementation.
Utility to select projects for a given set of pom.xml files.
Collects basic settings to access the repository system.
Provides information about the current Maven runtime.
Context of dependency artifacts for a particular project.
A request to resolve the dependencies of a project.
Exception that occurs when an artifact file is used, but has not been resolved.
The result of a project dependency resolution.
This exception is thrown if an application attempts to attach
two of the same artifacts to a single project.
Signals a collision of two or more projects with the same g:a:v during a reactor build.
Exception that occurs when the project list contains duplicate projects instead of ignoring one.
packaging plugins bindings provider for default
packaging plugins bindings provider for default
lifecycle.A component configurator which can leverage the
and EnhancedConverterLookup
.Assists the project builder.
A core extension to monitor Maven's execution.
Dispatches callbacks to all registered EventSpies.
Bridges between Maven3 events and Maven4 events.
Transform an exception into useful end-user message.
Provide a summary of the exception, containing:
the exception itself,
useful end-user message,
useful reference to a solution, or set of solutions: this is usually a wiki page url in,
child exception summaries.
Filter to exclude from a list of artifact patterns.
Filter to exclude from a list of artifact patterns.
Holds data relevant for an execution event.
The possible types of execution events.
Assists in firing execution events.
Defines events that Maven fires during a build.
Wraps individual MojoExecutions, containing information about completion status and scheduling.
Provides metadata about a build extension.
Creates an extension descriptor from some XML stream.
Caches extension class realms.
A cache key.
A task that is a goal.
Builds the
inter-dependencies graph
between projects in the reactor.Filter to include from a list of artifact patterns.
Signals an internal error in Maven itself, e.g.
Thrown if a dependency has an invalid version.
Thrown when a plugin is not internally consistent.
Error constructing an artifact repository.
packaging plugins bindings provider for default
lifecycle.Extender that fills in legacy bits (using legacy code).
Helps to provide backward-compatibility with plugins that use legacy components.
Lifecycle definition, with eventual plugin bindings (when they are not packaging-specific).
Lifecycle definition for a packaging (multiple packagings share the same lifecycle id = usually "default").
Logs debug output from the various lifecycle phases.
Resolves dependencies for the artifacts in context of the lifecycle build
A facade that provides lifecycle services to components outside Maven core.
Lifecycle mapping delegate component interface.
Builds one or more lifecycles for a full module
Mojo (plugin goal) binding to a lifecycle phase.
Signals a failure to locate a lifecycle.
Mojo (goals) bindings to a lifecycle phase.
Signals a failure to locate the lifecycle for some phase.
NOTE: This class is not part of any public api and can be changed or deleted without prior notice.
Starts the build life cycle
A task that is a lifecycle.
Calculates the task segments in the build
The main Maven execution entry point, which will execute a full Maven execution session.
Abstraction of an artifact repository.
A maven workspace reader that delegates to a chain of other readers, effectively aggregating their contents.
Assists in populating an execution request for invocation of Maven.
Service responsible for validating plugin configuration.
packaging plugins bindings provider for default
lifecycle.Provides basic services to manage Maven plugins and their mojos.
Service responsible for checking if plugin's prerequisites are met.
The concern of the project is provide runtime values based on the model.
Convenience interface for plugins to add or replace artifacts and resources on projects.
A Maven execution session.
Signals a failure to parse the metadata due to invalid syntax (e.g.
Handles deserialization of metadata from some kind of textual format like XML.
Signals that the user referenced one or more Maven profiles that could not be located in either the project or the
Signals a failure to execute a lifecycle phase or mojo because a project is required but not present.
Resolves dependencies for the artifacts in context of the lifecycle build
Describes the source of an execution.
A MojoExecutionConfigurator is responsible for creating the configuration for Mojo based on configuration for a Mojo
in the MavenProject and the default configuration for the Mojo from the containing plugin's plugin.xml descriptor.
Encapsulates parameters of MojoExecutionListener callback methods and is meant to provide API evolution path should
it become necessary to introduce new parameters in the existing callbacks in the future.
Extension point that allows build extensions observe and possibly veto mojo executions.
Provides context for mojo execution.
Indicates that annotated component should be instantiated before mojo execution starts and discarded after mojo
execution completes.
Executes an individual mojo
Interface allows overriding default mojo execution strategy For example it is possible wrap some mojo execution to
decorate default functionality or skip some executions
Helper class to format multiline messages to the console
Strategy for collecting Maven projects from the multi-module project root, even when executed in a submodule.
Builds the full lifecycle in weave-mode (phase by phase as opposed to project-by-project).
Signals a failure to build because no goal was specified.
Compares phases within the context of a specific lifecycle with secondary sorting based on the
.Represents where a dynamic phase should be executed within a static phase.
Represents a parsed phase identifier.
NOTE: This class is not part of any public api and can be changed or deleted without prior notice.
Caches plugin artifacts.
A cache key.
Exception which occurs to indicate that the plugin cannot be initialized due
to some deeper problem with Plexus.
Assists in resolving the dependencies of a plugin.
Caches raw plugin descriptors.
A cache key.
Exception in the plugin manager.
Signals a plugin which is not compatible with the current Maven runtime.
Signifies a failure to load a plugin.
Exception in the plugin manager.
Exception occurring trying to resolve a plugin.
Evaluator for plugin parameters expressions.
Evaluator for plugin parameters expressions.
Collects settings required to resolve a plugin prefix.
Resolves a plugin prefix.
Describes the result of a plugin prefix resolution request.
Caches plugin class realms.
A cache key.
Exception occurring trying to resolve a plugin.
Component collecting plugin validation issues and reporting them.
Collects settings required to resolve the version for a plugin.
Resolves a version for a plugin.
Describes the result of a plugin version resolution request.
Strategy to collect projects for building when the Maven invocation is not in a directory that contains a pom.xml.
packaging plugins bindings provider for default
lifecycle.Container for storing the request from the user to activate or de-activate certain profiles and optionally fail the
build if those profiles do not exist.
Container for storing the request from the user to activate or deactivate certain projects and optionally fail the
build if those projects do not exist.
Component interface responsible for creation of MavenProject#dependencyArtifacts instances.
Caches project artifacts.
A cache key.
Builds in-memory descriptions of projects.
Exception which occurs when a normal (i.e.
Assists the project builder.
The possible merge modes for combining remote repositories.
Collects the output of the project builder.
A list of project segments, ordered so that all ProjectSegments from first TaskSegment come before any
subsequent TaskSegments.
Forwards log messages to the client.
Describes strategies for finding projects that Maven could build.
Resolves the transitive dependencies of a project.
Describes the interdependencies between projects in the reactor.
Encapsulates parameters of ProjectExecutionListener callback methods and is meant to provide API evolution path
should it become necessary to introduce new parameters in the existing callbacks in the future.
Extension point that allows build extensions observe and possibly veto project build execution.
Provides the positional index of the project
A model resolver to assist building of projects.
Caches project class realms.
A cache key.
A build context that matches a Maven project to a given task segment, and the session to be used.
Utility class to extract
from the project graph during the execution phase based on optional or
required selectors.ProjectSorter
Facade to select projects for a given set of pom.xml files.
packaging plugins bindings provider for default
lifecycle.Contains status information that is global to an entire reactor build.
Context that is fixed for the entire reactor build.
Collects basic settings to access the repository system.
Component interface that allows per-project customization of Aether repository system sessions.
Factory for Resolver session.
Warning: This is an internal utility class that is only public for technical reasons, it is not part
of the public API.
Strategy to collect projects based on the
CLI parameter or the pom.xml in the working directory.Provides information about the current Maven runtime.
Filter to only retain objects in the given artifactScope or better.
Indicates that annotated component should be instantiated before session execution starts
and discarded after session execution completes.
If there was an error in the settings file.
Several convenience methods to handle settings
encapsulates a strategy for building a set of Maven projects.A Maven task, at this level is merely just an opaque string.
Describes the required task segment as provided on the maven command line; i.e.
Exception that may be thrown by the
packaging plugins bindings provider for default
lifecycle.Extension point that allows build extensions observe and possibly veto mojo executions.