All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract implementation of the RequestCache interface, providing common caching mechanisms for executing and caching request results in Maven.
Populates Aether ArtifactDescriptorResult from Maven project Model.
Warning: This is an internal utility class that is only public for technical reasons, it is not part of the public API.
A caching supplier wrapper that caches results and exceptions from the underlying supplier.
Special holder class for exceptions that occur during supplier execution.
Provides a set of functions for evaluating profile activation conditions.
The ConditionParser class is responsible for parsing and evaluating expressions.
A functional interface that represents an expression function to be applied to a list of arguments.
This class is responsible for activating profiles based on conditions specified in the profile's activation section.
A wrapper class around a maven resolver artifact.
A wrapper class around a maven resolver artifact.
Implementation of ArtifactDeployer service.
Default artifact descriptor reader.
Handles the import of dependency management from other models into the target model.
Handles injection of dependency management into the model.
The result of collecting dependencies with a dependency resolver.
A wrapper class around a maven resolver artifact.
Handles inheritance of model values.
Handles injection of plugin executions induced by the lifecycle bindings for a packaging.
The domain-specific model merger for lifecycle bindings
The model builder is responsible for building the Model from the POM file.
Handles normalization of a model.
Resolves relative paths within a model against a specific base directory.
Describes a problem that was encountered during model building.
Note: uses @Typed to limit the types it is available for injection to just ModelProcessor.
A model resolver to assist building of dependency POMs.
Normalizes URLs to remove the ugly parent references "../" that got potentially inserted by URL adjustment during model inheritance.
Resolves relative paths against a specific base directory.
Handles expansion of general build plugin configuration into individual executions.
Handles injection of plugin management into the model.
A wrapper class around a maven resolver artifact.
Describes the environmental context used to determine the activation status of profiles.
Handles profile injection into the model.
Calculates the active profiles among a given collection of profiles.
Builds the effective settings from a user settings file and/or a global settings file.
A default implementation of SourceRoot built from the model.
Builds the effective toolchains from a user toolchains file and/or a global toolchains file.
Default implementation of Type and Resolver ArtifactType.
Normalizes a URL.
A wrapper class around a resolver version that works as model version parser as well.
Handles the import of dependency management from other models into the target model.
Handles injection of dependency management into the model.
Relocation source from standard distribution management.
A dependency traverser that excludes the dependencies of fat artifacts from the traversal.
Determines profile activation based on the existence/absence of some file.
Handles inheritance of model values.
Determines profile activation based on the version of the current Java runtime.
Handles injection of plugin executions induced by the lifecycle bindings for a packaging.
Maven3 scope configurations.
Maven4 scope configurations.
The keys for Maven specific properties of artifacts.
Maven relocation source.
The domain-specific model merger for the Maven POM, overriding generic code from parent class when necessary with more adapted algorithms.
A simple Supplier of RepositorySystemSession.SessionBuilder instances, that on each call supplies newly constructed instance.
Default version scheme provider: provides singleton GenericVersionScheme instance.
Caches auxiliary data used during model building like already processed raw/effective models.
Replaces expressions of the form ${token} with their effective values.
Handles normalization of a model.
Resolves relative paths of a model against a specific base directory.
Assists in the handling of model problems.
Resolves a POM from its coordinates.
Signals an error when resolving the path to an external model.
Normalizes URLs to remove the ugly parent references "../" that got potentially inserted by URL adjustment during model inheritance.
Checks the model for missing or invalid values.
Model builder specific version parser.
Determines profile activation based on the operating system of the current runtime platform.
OS support
Determines profile activation based on the project's packaging.
Resolves relative paths against a specific base directory.
The phasing executor allows executing tasks in parallel and waiting for all tasks to be executed before fully closing the executor.
Handles expansion of general build plugin configuration into individual executions.
Handles injection of plugin management into the model.
Maven G level metadata generator factory.
Describes the environmental context used to determine the activation status of profiles.
Determines whether a profile should be activated.
Handles profile injection into the model.
Calculates the active profiles among a given collection of profiles.
Determines profile activation based on the existence or value of some execution property.
Using simple dotted expressions to extract the values from an Object instance using JSP-like expressions such as
Helper class to manage request tracing for improved error logging in Maven's dependency resolution.
Represents a resolver trace containing both Maven and Resolver-specific trace information
Interface used to detect is a given directory "root directory".
Interface used to locate the root directory for a given project.
A provider wrapping an existing provider with a cache
Several convenience methods to handle settings
Maven GAV level metadata generator factory.
A Map implementation that uses soft references for both keys and values, and compares keys using identity (==) rather than equals().
Relocation source from user properties.
Maven GA level metadata generator factory.