Class MavenModelMerger

Direct Known Subclasses:
DefaultDependencyManagementInjector.ManagementModelMerger, DefaultInheritanceAssembler.InheritanceModelMerger, DefaultModelNormalizer.DuplicateMerger, DefaultPluginManagementInjector.ManagementModelMerger, DefaultProfileInjector.ProfileModelMerger

public class MavenModelMerger extends MavenModelMerger
The domain-specific model merger for the Maven POM, overriding generic code from parent class when necessary with more adapted algorithms.
  • Constructor Details

    • MavenModelMerger

      public MavenModelMerger()
  • Method Details

    • merge

      public void merge(Model target, Model source, boolean sourceDominant, Map<?,?> hints)
      Merges the specified source object into the given target object.
      target - The target object whose existing contents should be merged with the source, must not be null.
      source - The (read-only) source object that should be merged into the target object, may be null.
      sourceDominant - A flag indicating whether either the target object or the source object provides the dominant data.
      hints - A set of key-value pairs that customized merger implementations can use to carry domain-specific information along, may be null.