Class AbstractMojo

All Implemented Interfaces:
ContextEnabled, Mojo
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractMojo extends Object implements Mojo, ContextEnabled
Abstract class to provide most of the infrastructure required to implement a Mojo except for the execute method.
The implementation should have a Mojo annotation with the name of the goal:
   @Mojo( name = "<goal-name>" )

There are also a number of attributes which can be used to control how and when the Mojo is executed:

mojo annotation attributes
Descriptor Element Annotation Required? Notes
goal name = "<goal-name>" Yes The name for the Mojo that users will reference from the command line to execute the Mojo directly, or inside a POM in order to provide Mojo-specific configuration.
implementation none (detected) Yes The Mojo's fully-qualified class name (or script path in the case of non-Java Mojos).
language none (detected) No. Default: java The implementation language for this Mojo (Java, beanshell, etc.).
configurator configurator = "<role-hint>" No The configurator type to use when injecting parameter values into this Mojo. The value is normally deduced from the Mojo's implementation language, but can be specified to allow a custom ComponentConfigurator implementation to be used.
NOTE: This will only be used in very special cases, using a highly controlled vocabulary of possible values. (Elements like this are why it's a good idea to use the descriptor tools.)
phase defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.<phase> No Binds this Mojo to a particular phase of the standard build lifecycle, if specified.
NOTE: This is only required if this Mojo is to participate in the standard build process.
execute @Execute ( phase=LifecyclePhase.<phase>, goal= "<goal-name>", lifecycle="<lifecycle-id>" ) No When this goal is invoked, it will first invoke a parallel lifecycle, ending at the given phase. If a goal is provided instead of a phase, that goal will be executed in isolation. The execution of either will not affect the current project, but instead make available the ${executedProject} expression if required. An alternate lifecycle can also be provided: for more information see the documentation on the build lifecycle.
requiresDependencyResolution requiresDependencyResolution = ResolutionScope.<scope> No Flags this Mojo as requiring the dependencies in the specified scope (or an implied scope) to be resolved before it can execute.
NOTE: Currently supports compile, runtime, and test scopes.
description none (detected) No The description of this Mojo's functionality. Using the toolset, this will be the class-level Javadoc description provided.
NOTE: While this is not a required part of the Mojo specification, it SHOULD be provided to enable future tool support for browsing, etc. and for clarity.
parameters N/A No Specifications for the parameters which this Mojo uses will be provided in parameter sub-elements in this section.
NOTE: Parameters are discussed in more detail below.

This is only a small set of all the options. A complete list can be found at Maven Plugin Tool for Annotations.

Brett Porter, jdcasey, Vincent Siveton
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractMojo

      public AbstractMojo()
  • Method Details

    • setLog

      @Deprecated public void setLog(Log log)
      Use SLF4J directly
      Description copied from interface: Mojo
      Inject a standard Maven logging mechanism to allow this Mojo to communicate events and feedback to the user.
      Specified by:
      setLog in interface Mojo
      log - a new logger
    • getLog

      @Deprecated public Log getLog()
      Use SLF4J directly

      Returns the logger that has been injected into this mojo. If no logger has been setup yet, a SystemStreamLog logger will be created and returned.

      Note: The logger returned by this method must not be cached in an instance field during the construction of the mojo. This would cause the mojo to use a wrongly configured default logger when being run by Maven. The proper logger gets injected by the Plexus container after the mojo has been constructed. Therefore, simply call this method directly whenever you need the logger, it is fast enough and needs no caching.
      Specified by:
      getLog in interface Mojo
      a log4j-like logger object which allows plugins to create messages at levels of "debug", "info", "warn", and "error".
      See Also:
    • getPluginContext

      public Map getPluginContext()
      Specified by:
      getPluginContext in interface ContextEnabled
      a Map stored in the plugin container's context.
    • setPluginContext

      public void setPluginContext(Map pluginContext)
      Description copied from interface: ContextEnabled
      Set a new shared context Map to a mojo before executing it.
      Specified by:
      setPluginContext in interface ContextEnabled
      pluginContext - a new Map