All Classes and Interfaces

An artifact points to a resource such as a jar file or war application.
The Coordinate object is used to point to an Artifact but the version may be specified as a range instead of an exact version.
Service used to create ArtifactCoordinate objects.
A request for creating a ArtifactCoordinate object.
Deploys Artifacts to a RemoteRepository.
An artifact could not correctly being deployed.
A request for deploying one or more artifacts to a remote repository.
Service used to create Artifact objects.
Installs Artifacts to the local repository.
A request for installing one or more artifacts in the local repository.
Resolves the artifact, i.e download the file when required and attach it to the artifact
A request for resolving an artifact.
The Artifact Result
Describes a problem that was encountered during project building.
The different severity levels for a problem, in decreasing order.
Used to configure injection of Plexus components by MavenPluginManager.getConfiguredMojo(...).
The DependencyCollector service can be used to collect dependencies for a given artifact and builds a graph of them.
Thrown in case of bad artifact descriptors, version ranges or other issues encountered during calculation of the dependency graph.
A request to collect the transitive dependencies and to build a dependency graph from them.
The result of a dependency collection request.
Event sent by maven during various phases of the build process.
The possible types of execution events.
A dependency exlusion.
Used if your Mojo needs to fork a lifecycle.
Component instantiation strategy.
A specific Toolchain dedicated for Java.
A listener for session events.
The local repository is used to cache artifacts downloaded from RemoteRepository and to hold artifacts that have been build locally.
This interface supplies the API for providing feedback to the user from the Mojo, using standard Maven channels.
There should be no big surprises here, although you may notice that the methods accept java.lang.CharSequence rather than java.lang.String.
The Exception class throw by the Lookup service.
Base class for all maven exceptions.
Message builder that supports configurable styling.
A factory for MessageBuilder.
Storage location for metadata
Reads or writes a Model using XML.
This annotation will mark your class as a Mojo (ie.
This interface forms the contract required for Mojos to interact with the Maven infrastructure.
It features an execute() method, which triggers the Mojo's build-process behavior, and can throw a MojoException if error conditions occur.
An exception occurring during the execution of a plugin.
A MojoExecution
Represents a dependency node within a Maven project's dependency collector.
Defines a hierarchical visitor for collecting dependency node trees.
Used to configure your Mojo parameters to be injected by MavenPluginManager.getConfiguredMojo(...).
Interface representing a Maven project.
The Exception class throw by the ProjectBuilder service.
Request used to build a Project using the ProjectBuilder service.
Result of a project build call.
Interface to manage the project during its lifecycle.
Service used to interact with the end user.
The Exception class throw by the Prompter service.
A remote repository that can be used to download or upload artifacts.
A repository holds artifacts.
Factory service to create LocalRepository or RemoteRepository objects.
Dependencies resolution scopes available before mojo execution.
Scope for a dependency
Marker interface for all services provided by the Session.
The session to install / deploy / resolve artifacts and dependencies.
A container for data that is specific to a session.
Builds the effective settings from a user settings file and/or a global settings file.
The Exception class throw by the SettingsBuilder.
Collects settings that control the building of effective settings.
Reads and writes a Settings object to/from XML.
The source for a project's XML model.
Toolchain interface.
Service to manage Toolchains.
The Exception class throw by the ToolchainManager.
Builds the effective toolchains from a user toolchains file and/or a global toolchains file.
The Exception class throw by the ToolchainsBuilder.
Reads and writes a PersistedToolchains object to/from XML.
Transport for specified remote repository (using provided remote repository base URI as root).
Transporter provider is a service that provides somewhat trivial transport capabilities backed by Maven internals.
An artifact'sType represents a known kind of artifacts.
Access to Type registry.
A version usually parsed using the VersionParser service.
Service interface to parse Version and VersionRange.
The Exception class thrown by VersionParser.
A range of versions.
Generic interface to read/write objects to/from XML.
An exception thrown during the reading of an xml file.
An XML reader request.
An exception thrown during the writing of an xml file.
An XML writer request.