All Classes and Interfaces

Builds the effective settings from a user settings file and/or a global settings file.
A factory to create settings builder instances when no dependency injection is available.
Collects settings that control building of effective settings.
Decrypts passwords in the settings.
Collects parameters that control the decryption of settings.
Describes a problem that was encountered during settings building.
Handles deserialization of settings from the default textual format.
Handles serialization of settings into the default textual format.
instead use FileSource
Builds the effective settings from a user settings file, a project settings file and/or a global settings file.
Signals one ore more errors during settings building.
Collects settings that control the building of effective settings.
Collects the output of the settings builder.
Decrypts passwords in the settings.
Collects parameters that control the decryption of settings.
Collects the output of the settings decrypter.
Signals a failure to parse the settings due to invalid syntax (e.g.
Describes a problem that was encountered during settings building.
The different severity levels for a problem, in decreasing order.
Collects problems that are encountered during settings building.
Handles deserialization of settings from some kind of textual format like XML.
instead use Source
Validate a model settings
Handles serialization of settings into some kind of textual format like XML.
instead use StringSource
instead use UrlSource