Checkstyle Results

The following document contains the results of Checkstyle 9.3 with config/maven_checks_nocodestyle.xml ruleset.


Files  Info  Warnings  Errors
3 2 26 0


File  I  W  E
org/apache/maven/di/ 0 5 0
org/apache/maven/di/impl/ 0 3 0
org/apache/maven/di/impl/ 2 18 0


Category Rule Violations Severity
coding HiddenField
  • ignoreConstructorParameter: "true"
  • ignoreSetter: "true"
3  Warning
javadoc JavadocMethod
  • accessModifiers: "public, protected"
23  Warning
  • scope: "protected"
2  Info



Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod @return tag should be present and have description. 105
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod @return tag should be present and have description. 115
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @param tag for '<U>'. 115
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @param tag for 'index'. 115
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod @return tag should be present and have description. 130


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Warning coding HiddenField 'scope' hides a field. 70
 Warning coding HiddenField 'priority' hides a field. 75
 Warning coding HiddenField 'args' hides a field. 176


Severity Category Rule Message Line
 Info javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 34
 Info javadoc JavadocVariable Missing a Javadoc comment. 35
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod @return tag should be present and have description. 44
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @param tag for 'type'. 44
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod @return tag should be present and have description. 69
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @param tag for 'types'. 69
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod @return tag should be present and have description. 104
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @param tag for 'type'. 104
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod @return tag should be present and have description. 121
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @param tag for 'type'. 121
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod @return tag should be present and have description. 163
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod @return tag should be present and have description. 173
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod @return tag should be present and have description. 234
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @param tag for 'rawType'. 234
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @param tag for 'parameters'. 234
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod @return tag should be present and have description. 241
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @param tag for 'original'. 241
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod @return tag should be present and have description. 548
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod @return tag should be present and have description. 684
 Warning javadoc JavadocMethod Expected @param tag for 'type'. 684