Interface Artifact

All Known Subinterfaces:
Dependency, DownloadedArtifact, DownloadedDependency, ProducedArtifact

@Experimental @Immutable public interface Artifact
A Maven artifact is a file, typically a JAR, that is produced and used by Maven projects. It is identified by a unique combination of a group ID, artifact ID, version, classifier, and extension, and it is stored in a repository for dependency management and build purposes.

Each Artifact instance is basically an exact pointer to a file in a Maven repository. Artifact instances are created when resolving ArtifactCoordinates instances. Resolving is the process that selects a particular version and downloads the artifact in the local repository. This operation returns a DownloadedArtifact.

  • Method Details

    • key

      @Nonnull default String key()
      Returns a unique identifier for this artifact.. The identifier is composed of groupId, artifactId, extension, classifier, and version.
      a unique identifier for this artifact
      See Also:
    • getGroupId

      @Nonnull String getGroupId()
      Returns the group identifier of the artifact..
      the group identifier of the artifact
      See Also:
    • getArtifactId

      @Nonnull String getArtifactId()
      Returns the identifier of the artifact..
      the identifier of the artifact
      See Also:
    • getVersion

      @Nonnull Version getVersion()
      Returns the version of the artifact.. Contrarily to ArtifactCoordinates, each Artifact is associated to a specific version instead of a range of versions. If the base version contains a meta-version such as SNAPSHOT, those keywords are replaced by, for example, the actual timestamp.
      the version of the artifact
      See Also:
    • getBaseVersion

      @Nonnull Version getBaseVersion()
      Returns the version or meta-version of the artifact.. A meta-version is a version suffixed with the SNAPSHOT keyword. Meta-versions are represented in a base version by their symbols (e.g., SNAPSHOT), while they are replaced by, for example, the actual timestamp in the version.
      the version or meta-version of the artifact
    • getClassifier

      @Nonnull String getClassifier()
      Returns the classifier of the artifact.
      the classifier or an empty string if none, never null
      See Also:
    • getExtension

      @Nonnull String getExtension()
      Returns the file extension of the artifact. The dot separator is not included in the returned string.
      the file extension or an empty string if none, never null
      See Also:
    • isSnapshot

      boolean isSnapshot()
      Determines whether this artifact uses a snapshot version.
      true if the artifact is a snapshot, false otherwise
      See Also:
    • toCoordinates

      @Nonnull ArtifactCoordinates toCoordinates()
      Returns coordinates with the same identifiers as this artifact.. This is a shortcut for session.createArtifactCoordinates(artifact).
      coordinates with the same identifiers as this artifact
      See Also: