Class FileProfileActivator

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Named("file") @Singleton public class FileProfileActivator extends Object implements ProfileActivator
Determines profile activation based on the existence/absence of some file. File name interpolation support is limited to ${project.basedir} system properties and user properties.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details Link icon

  • Method Details Link icon

    • isActive Link icon

      public boolean isActive(Profile profile, ProfileActivationContext context, ModelProblemCollector problems)
      Description copied from interface: ProfileActivator
      Determines whether the specified profile is active in the given activator context.
      Specified by:
      isActive in interface ProfileActivator
      profile - The profile whose activation status should be determined, must not be null.
      context - The environmental context used to determine the activation status of the profile, must not be null.
      problems - The container used to collect problems (e.g. bad syntax) that were encountered, must not be null.
      true if the profile is active, false otherwise.
    • presentInConfig Link icon

      public boolean presentInConfig(Profile profile, ProfileActivationContext context, ModelProblemCollector problems)
      Description copied from interface: ProfileActivator
      Determines whether specified activation method is present in configuration or not. It should help to have AND between activation conditions Need for solving
      Specified by:
      presentInConfig in interface ProfileActivator
      profile - The profile whose activation status should be determined, must not be null.
      context - The environmental context used to determine the activation status of the profile, must not be null.
      problems - The container used to collect problems (e.g. bad syntax) that were encountered, must not be null.
      true if the profile is active, false otherwise.