All Classes and Interfaces

Populates Aether ArtifactDescriptorResult from Maven project Model.
Warning: This is an internal utility class that is only public for technical reasons, it is not part of the public API.
Default artifact descriptor reader.
A model builder cache backed by the repository system cache.
Default implementation of ModelCacheFactory.
Default implementation of Type and Resolver ArtifactType.
Default version scheme provider: provides singleton GenericVersionScheme instance.
Relocation source from standard distribution management.
A dependency traverser that excludes the dependencies of fat artifacts from the traversal.
Maven3 scope configurations.
Maven4 scope configurations.
The keys for Maven specific properties of artifacts.
Maven relocation source.
A simple memorizing Supplier of RepositorySystem instance, that on first call supplies lazily constructed instance, and on each subsequent call same instance.
A simple Supplier of RepositorySystemSession.SessionBuilder instances, that on each call supplies newly constructed instance.
Factory for ModelCache objects.
Maven G level metadata generator factory.
Helper class to manage RequestTrace for better error logging.
Maven GAV level metadata generator factory.
Relocation source from user properties.
Maven GA level metadata generator factory.