Interface InvokerRequest

@Immutable @Experimental public interface InvokerRequest
Represents a Maven invocation request, encapsulating all necessary information for invoking a Maven build or command. Arguments are parsed and exposed via methods.
  • Method Details

    • parserRequest

      @Nonnull ParserRequest parserRequest()
      The parser request this instance was created from.
    • cwd

      @Nonnull Path cwd()
      Returns the current working directory for the Maven execution. This is typically the directory from which Maven was invoked.
      the current working directory path
    • installationDirectory

      @Nonnull Path installationDirectory()
      Returns the Maven installation directory. This is usually set by the Maven launcher script using the "maven.home" system property.
      the Maven installation directory path
    • userHomeDirectory

      @Nonnull Path userHomeDirectory()
      Returns the user's home directory. This is typically obtained from the "user.home" system property.
      the user's home directory path
    • jvmArguments

      @Nonnull Optional<List<String>> jvmArguments()
      Returns the list of extra JVM arguments to be passed to the forked process. These arguments allow for customization of the JVM environment in which tool will run. This property is used ONLY by executors and invokers that spawn a new JVM.
      an Optional containing the list of extra JVM arguments, or empty if not specified
    • logger

      default Logger logger()
      Shorthand for Logger to use.
    • messageBuilderFactory

      default MessageBuilderFactory messageBuilderFactory()
      Shorthand for MessageBuilderFactory.
    • lookup

      default Lookup lookup()
      Shorthand for Lookup.
    • userProperties

      @Nonnull Map<String,String> userProperties()
      Returns a map of user-defined properties for the Maven execution. These properties can be set using the -D command-line option.
      an unmodifiable map of user properties
    • systemProperties

      @Nonnull Map<String,String> systemProperties()
      Returns a map of system properties for the Maven execution. These include both Java system properties and Maven-specific system properties.
      an unmodifiable map of system properties
    • topDirectory

      @Nonnull Path topDirectory()
      Returns the top-level directory of the Maven invocation. This is typically the directory containing the POM file being executed.
      the top-level directory path
    • rootDirectory

      @Nonnull Optional<Path> rootDirectory()
      Returns the root directory of the Maven invocation, if found. This is determined by the presence of a .mvn directory or a POM with the root="true" property but is not always applicable (ie invocation from outside a checkout).
      the root directory path, if present
    • in

      Returns the input stream for the Maven execution, if running in embedded mode.
      an Optional containing the input stream, or empty if not applicable
    • out

      Returns the output stream for the Maven execution, if running in embedded mode.
      an Optional containing the output stream, or empty if not applicable
    • err

      Returns the error stream for the Maven execution, if running in embedded mode.
      an Optional containing the error stream, or empty if not applicable
    • coreExtensions

      @Nonnull Optional<List<CoreExtension>> coreExtensions()
      Returns a list of core extensions, if configured in the .mvn/extensions.xml file.
      an Optional containing the list of core extensions, or empty if not configured
    • options

      @Nonnull Options options()
      Returns the options associated with this invocation request.
      the options object