Interface MavenExecutionRequestPopulator

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public interface MavenExecutionRequestPopulator
Assists in populating an execution request for invocation of Maven.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • populateFromToolchains Link icon

      Copies the values from the given toolchains into the specified execution request. This method will replace any existing values in the execution request that are controlled by the toolchains. Hence, it is expected that this method is called on a new/empty execution request before the caller mutates it to fit its needs.
      request - The execution request to populate, must not be null.
      toolchains - The toolchains to copy into the execution request, may be null.
      The populated execution request, never null.
      MavenExecutionRequestPopulationException - If the execution request could not be populated.
    • populateDefaults Link icon

      Injects default values like plugin groups or repositories into the specified execution request.
      request - The execution request to populate, must not be null.
      The populated execution request, never null.
      MavenExecutionRequestPopulationException - If the execution request could not be populated.
    • populateFromSettings Link icon

      Copies the values from the given settings into the specified execution request. This method will replace any existing values in the execution request that are controlled by the settings. Hence, it is expected that this method is called on a new/empty execution request before the caller mutates it to fit its needs.
      request - The execution request to populate, must not be null.
      settings - The settings to copy into the execution request, may be null.
      The populated execution request, never null.
      MavenExecutionRequestPopulationException - If the execution request could not be populated.