Interface ProfileActivationContext

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ProfileActivationContext
Describes the environmental context used to determine the activation status of profiles. The Model is available from the activation context, but only static parts of it are allowed to be used, i.e. those that do not change between file model and effective model.
  • Method Details

    • getActiveProfileIds

      @Nonnull List<String> getActiveProfileIds()
      Gets the identifiers of those profiles that should be activated by explicit demand.
      The identifiers of those profiles to activate, never null.
    • getInactiveProfileIds

      @Nonnull List<String> getInactiveProfileIds()
      Gets the identifiers of those profiles that should be deactivated by explicit demand.
      The identifiers of those profiles to deactivate, never null.
    • getSystemProperties

      @Nonnull Map<String,String> getSystemProperties()
      Gets the system properties to use for interpolation and profile activation. The system properties are collected from the runtime environment like System.getProperties() and environment variables.
      The execution properties, never null.
    • getUserProperties

      @Nonnull Map<String,String> getUserProperties()
      Gets the user properties to use for interpolation and profile activation. The user properties have been configured directly by the user on his discretion, e.g. via the -Dkey=value parameter on the command line.
      The user properties, never null.
    • getModel

      @Nonnull Model getModel()
      Gets the model which is being activated.
      The project model, never null.