Interface LocalRepository

All Superinterfaces:

@Experimental @Immutable public interface LocalRepository extends Repository

The local repository is a directory on the developer's machine where Maven stores all the downloaded artifacts (such as dependencies, plugins, and project artifacts). When Maven builds a project, it first checks the local repository to see if the required artifacts are already available. If the artifacts are found locally, Maven uses them directly, which speeds up the build process by avoiding unnecessary downloads.

By default, the local repository is located in the .m2/repository directory within the user's home directory (~/.m2/repository on Unix-like systems or C:\Users\YourName\.m2\repository on Windows). The location of the local repository can be customized in the settings.xml file.

See Also:
  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from interface org.apache.maven.api.Repository

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type

    Methods inherited from interface org.apache.maven.api.Repository

    getId, getType