Interface DependencyResolverResult

All Superinterfaces:

@Experimental public interface DependencyResolverResult extends Result<DependencyResolverRequest>
The result of a dependency resolution request.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getExceptions

      @Nonnull List<Exception> getExceptions()
      Gets the exceptions that occurred while building the dependency graph.
      the exceptions that occurred, never null
    • getRoot

      @Nullable Node getRoot()
      Gets the root node of the dependency graph.
      the root node of the dependency graph or null if none
    • getNodes

      @Nonnull List<Node> getNodes()
      The ordered list of the flattened dependency nodes.
      the ordered list of the flattened dependency nodes
    • getPaths

      @Nonnull List<Path> getPaths()
      Returns the file paths of all dependencies, regardless on which tool option those paths should be placed. The returned list may contain a mix of Java class path, Java module path, and other types of path elements. This collection has the same content as getDependencies.values() except that it does not contain null elements.
      the paths of all dependencies
    • getDispatchedPaths

      @Nonnull Map<PathType,List<Path>> getDispatchedPaths()
      Returns the file paths of all dependencies, dispatched according the tool options where to place them. The PathType keys identify, for example, --class-path or --module-path options. In the case of Java tools, the map may also contain --patch-module options, which are handled in a special way.

      Design note

      All types of path are determined together because they are sometime mutually exclusive. For example, an artifact of type "jar" can be placed either on the class-path or on the module-path. The project needs to make a choice (possibly using heuristic rules), then to add the dependency in only one of the options identified by PathType.
      file paths to place on the different tool options
    • getDependencies

      @Nonnull Map<Dependency,Path> getDependencies()
      Returns all dependencies associated to their paths. Some dependencies may be associated to a null value if there is no path available.
      all dependencies associated to their paths
    • getModuleName

      Optional<String> getModuleName(@Nonnull Path dependency) throws IOException
      Returns the Java module name of the dependency at the given path. The given dependency should be one of the paths returned by getDependencies(). The module name is extracted from the module-info.class file if present, otherwise from the "Automatic-Module-Name" attribute of the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file if present.

      A typical usage is to invoke this method for all dependencies having a TEST or TEST_ONLY scope. An --add-reads option may need to be generated for compiling and running the test classes that use such dependencies.

      dependency - path to the dependency for which to get the module name
      module name of the dependency at the given path, or empty if the dependency is not modular
      IOException - if the module information of the specified dependency cannot be read
    • getModuleDescriptor

      Optional<ModuleDescriptor> getModuleDescriptor(@Nonnull Path dependency) throws IOException
      Returns the Java module descriptor of the dependency at the given path. The given dependency should be one of the paths returned by getDependencies(). The module descriptor is extracted from the module-info.class file if present.

      getModuleName(Path) is preferred when only the module name is desired, because a name may be present even if the descriptor is absent. This method is for cases when more information is desired, such as the set of exported packages.

      dependency - path to the dependency for which to get the module name
      module name of the dependency at the given path, or empty if the dependency is not modular
      IOException - if the module information of the specified dependency cannot be read
    • warningForFilenameBasedAutomodules

      Optional<String> warningForFilenameBasedAutomodules()
      If the module path contains at least one filename-based auto-module, prepares a warning message. The module path is the collection of dependencies associated with JavaPathType.MODULES. It is caller's responsibility to send the message to a logger.
      warning message if at least one filename-based auto-module was found