Class WorkspaceRepository

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class WorkspaceRepository
    extends Object
    implements ArtifactRepository
    A repository backed by an IDE workspace, the output of a build session or similar ad-hoc collection of artifacts. As far as the repository system is concerned, a workspace repository is read-only, i.e. can only be used for artifact resolution but not installation/deployment. Note that this class merely describes such a repository, actual access to the contained artifacts is handled by a WorkspaceReader.
    • Constructor Detail

      • WorkspaceRepository

        public WorkspaceRepository()
        Creates a new workspace repository of type "workspace" and a random key.
      • WorkspaceRepository

        public WorkspaceRepository​(String type)
        Creates a new workspace repository with the specified type and a random key.
        type - The type of the repository, may be null.
      • WorkspaceRepository

        public WorkspaceRepository​(String type,
                                   Object key)
        Creates a new workspace repository with the specified type and key. The key is used to distinguish one workspace from another and should be sensitive to the artifacts that are (potentially) available in the workspace.
        type - The type of the repository, may be null.
        key - The (comparison) key for the repository, may be null to generate a unique random key.