Class ArtifactIdUtils


public final class ArtifactIdUtils extends Object
A utility class for artifact identifiers.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • toId Link icon

      public static String toId(Artifact artifact)
      Creates an artifact identifier of the form <groupId>:<artifactId>:<extension>[:<classifier>]:<version>.
      artifact - The artifact to create an identifer for, may be null.
      The artifact identifier or null if the input was null.
    • toId Link icon

      public static String toId(String groupId, String artifactId, String extension, String classifier, String version)
      Creates an artifact identifier of the form <groupId>:<artifactId>:<extension>[:<classifier>]:<version>.
      groupId - The group id, may be null.
      artifactId - The artifact id, may be null.
      extension - The file extensiion, may be null.
      classifier - The classifier, may be null.
      version - The version, may be null.
      The artifact identifier, never null.
    • toBaseId Link icon

      public static String toBaseId(Artifact artifact)
      Creates an artifact identifier of the form <groupId>:<artifactId>:<extension>[:<classifier>]:<baseVersion>.
      artifact - The artifact to create an identifer for, may be null.
      The artifact identifier or null if the input was null.
    • toVersionlessId Link icon

      public static String toVersionlessId(Artifact artifact)
      Creates an artifact identifier of the form <groupId>:<artifactId>:<extension>[:<classifier>].
      artifact - The artifact to create an identifer for, may be null.
      The artifact identifier or null if the input was null.
    • toVersionlessId Link icon

      public static String toVersionlessId(String groupId, String artifactId, String extension, String classifier)
      Creates an artifact identifier of the form <groupId>:<artifactId>:<extension>[:<classifier>].
      groupId - The group id, may be null.
      artifactId - The artifact id, may be null.
      extension - The file extensiion, may be null.
      classifier - The classifier, may be null.
      The artifact identifier, never null.
    • equalsId Link icon

      public static boolean equalsId(Artifact artifact1, Artifact artifact2)
      Determines whether two artifacts have the same identifier. This method is equivalent to calling String.equals(Object) on the return values from toId(Artifact) for the artifacts but does not incur the overhead of creating temporary strings.
      artifact1 - The first artifact, may be null.
      artifact2 - The second artifact, may be null.
      true if both artifacts are not null and have equal ids, false otherwise.
    • equalsBaseId Link icon

      public static boolean equalsBaseId(Artifact artifact1, Artifact artifact2)
      Determines whether two artifacts have the same base identifier. This method is equivalent to calling String.equals(Object) on the return values from toBaseId(Artifact) for the artifacts but does not incur the overhead of creating temporary strings.
      artifact1 - The first artifact, may be null.
      artifact2 - The second artifact, may be null.
      true if both artifacts are not null and have equal base ids, false otherwise.
    • equalsVersionlessId Link icon

      public static boolean equalsVersionlessId(Artifact artifact1, Artifact artifact2)
      Determines whether two artifacts have the same versionless identifier. This method is equivalent to calling String.equals(Object) on the return values from toVersionlessId(Artifact) for the artifacts but does not incur the overhead of creating temporary strings.
      artifact1 - The first artifact, may be null.
      artifact2 - The second artifact, may be null.
      true if both artifacts are not null and have equal versionless ids, false otherwise.