All Classes and Interfaces
A skeleton class for artifacts.
A special repository system session to enable decorating or proxying another session.
A skeleton class for metadata.
A skeleton implementation for custom repository listeners.
A skeleton implementation for custom transfer listeners.
A specific artifact.
Thrown in case of an unreadable or unresolvable artifact descriptor.
Controls the handling of errors related to reading an artifact descriptor.
A query for the error policy for a given artifact's descriptor.
A request to read an artifact descriptor.
The result from reading an artifact descriptor.
Thrown when an artifact was filtered from a particular repository.
Thrown when an artifact was not found in a particular repository.
The keys for common properties of artifacts.
A repository hosting artifacts.
A request to resolve an artifact.
Thrown in case of a unresolvable artifacts.
The result of an artifact resolution request.
Thrown when an artifact could not be uploaded/downloaded to/from a particular remote repository.
An artifact type describing artifact characteristics/properties that are common for certain artifacts.
A registry of known artifact types.
The authentication to use for accessing a protected resource.
A glorified map of key value pairs holding (cleartext) authentication data.
A helper to calculate a fingerprint/digest for the authentication data of a repository/proxy.
Selects authentication for a given remote repository.
Thrown in case of a checksum failure during an artifact/metadata download.
A request to collect the transitive dependencies and to build a dependency graph from them.
The result of a dependency collection request.
A trace data object revealing collect step (while executing
.The keys and defaults for common configuration properties.
A simple artifact.
since 2.0, the artifact types should be defined by the resolver consumer
A node within a dependency graph.
A basic metadata instance.
A simplistic repository cache backed by a thread-safe map.
A legacy repository system session.
A simple session data storage backed by a thread-safe map.
A dependency to some artifact.
A context used during dependency collection to update the dependency manager, selector and traverser.
Thrown in case of bad artifact descriptors, version ranges or other issues encountered during calculation of the
dependency graph.
A cycle within a dependency graph, that is a sequence of dependencies d_1, d_2, ..., d_n where d_1 and d_n have the
same versionless coordinates.
A filter to include/exclude dependency nodes during other operations.
A context used during dependency collection to exchange information within a chain of dependency graph transformers.
Transforms a given dependency graph.
The management updates to apply to a dependency.
Applies dependency management to the dependencies of a dependency node.
A node within a dependency graph.
A request to resolve transitive dependencies.
Thrown in case of a unresolvable dependencies.
The result of a dependency resolution request.
Decides what dependencies to include in the dependency graph.
Decides whether the dependencies of a dependency node should be traversed as well.
A visitor for nodes of the dependency graph.
Thrown in case of a deployment error like authentication failure.
A request to deploy artifacts and their accompanying metadata into the a remote repository.
The result of deploying artifacts and their accompanying metadata into the a remote repository.
An exclusion of one or more transitive dependencies.
Thrown in case of an installation error like an IO error.
A request to install artifacts and their accompanying metadata into the local repository.
The result of installing artifacts and their accompanying metadata into the a remote repository.
Thrown when a version or version range could not be parsed.
A request to register an artifact within the local repository.
A query to the local repository for the existence of an artifact.
A result from the local repository about the existence of an artifact.
A request to register metadata within the local repository.
A query to the local repository for the existence of metadata.
A result from the local repository about the existence of metadata.
A repository on the local file system used to cache contents of remote repositories and to store locally installed
Manages access to a local repository.
A piece of metadata that needs to be merged with any current metadata before installation/deployment.
A piece of repository metadata, e.g.
The nature of the metadata.
Thrown when metadata was not found in a particular repository.
A request to resolve metadata from either a remote repository or the local repository.
The result of a metadata resolution request.
Thrown when metadata could not be uploaded/downloaded to/from a particular remote repository.
Selects a mirror for a given remote repository.
Runtime exception to be thrown when multiple actions were executed and one or more failed.
Thrown in case of an unsupported local repository type.
Thrown in case of an unsupported remote repository type.
Thrown in case of an unsupported repository layout.
Thrown in case of an unsupported transport protocol.
A proxy to use for connections to a repository.
Selects a proxy for a given remote repository.
A repository on a remote server.
A builder to create remote repositories.
Caches auxiliary data used during repository access like already processed metadata.
An event describing an action performed by the repository system.
A builder to create events.
The type of the repository event.
The base class for exceptions thrown by the repository system.
A listener being notified of events from the repository system.
Thrown when a transfer could not be performed because a remote repository is not accessible in offline mode.
A policy controlling access to a repository.
The main entry point to the repository system and its functionality.
Defines settings and components that control the repository system.
Immutable session that is closeable, should be handled as a resource.
Builder for building
instances.URL handling for file URLs.
A trace of nested requests that are performed by the repository system.
Controls the caching of resolution errors for artifacts/metadata from remote repositories.
A query for the resolution error policy for a given artifact/metadata.
A container for data that is specific to a repository system session.
A synchronization context used to coordinate concurrent access to artifacts or metadatas.
In Resolver 1.x line, the "system" scope represented special artifacts.
Thrown in case an upload/download was cancelled (e.g.
An event fired to a transfer listener during an artifact/metadata transfer.
A builder to create transfer events.
The type of the event.
The type of the request/transfer being performed.
A listener being notified of artifact/metadata transfers from/to remote repositories.
Describes a resource being uploaded or downloaded by the repository system.
Thrown in case of an unsolvable conflict between different version constraints for a dependency.
A parsed artifact version.
A constraint on versions for a dependency.
Decides which versions matching a version range should actually be considered for the dependency graph.
A context used during version filtering to hold relevant data.
A range of versions.
A bound of a version range.
A request to resolve a version range.
Thrown in case of an unparseable or unresolvable version range.
The result of a version range resolution request.
A request to resolve a metaversion.
Thrown in case of an unresolvable metaversion.
The result of a version resolution request.
A version scheme that handles interpretation of version strings to facilitate their comparison.
Manages a repository backed by the IDE workspace, a build session or a similar ad-hoc collection of artifacts.
A repository backed by an IDE workspace, the output of a build session or similar ad-hoc collection of artifacts.