Class DirectoryUtils


public final class DirectoryUtils extends Object
A utility class to calculate (and create if needed) paths backed by directories using configuration properties from repository system session and others.
See Also:
  • RepositorySystemSession.getConfigProperties()
  • RepositorySystemSession.getLocalRepository()
  • Method Details Link icon

    • resolveDirectory Link icon

      public static Path resolveDirectory(String name, Path base, boolean mayCreate) throws IOException
      Creates Path instance out of passed in name parameter. May create a directory on resulting path, if not exist, when invoked with mayCreate being true. Never returns null.

      Following outcomes may happen:

      • name is absolute path - results in Path instance created directly from name.
      • name is relative path - results in Path instance resolved against base parameter.
      Resulting path is being checked is a directory, and if not, it will be created if mayCreate is true. If resulting path exist but is not a directory, this method will throw.
      name - The name to create directory with, cannot be null.
      base - The base Path to resolve name, if it is relative path, cannot be null.
      mayCreate - If resulting path does not exist, should it create?
      The Path instance that is resolved and backed by existing directory.
      IOException - If some IO related errors happens.
    • resolveDirectory Link icon

      public static Path resolveDirectory(org.eclipse.aether.RepositorySystemSession session, String defaultName, String nameKey, boolean mayCreate) throws IOException
      Creates Path instance out of session configuration, and (if relative) resolve it against local repository basedir. Pre-populates values and invokes resolveDirectory(String, Path, boolean).

      For this method to work, LocalRepository.getBasePath() must return non-null value, otherwise NullPointerException is thrown.

      session - The session, may not be null.
      defaultName - The default value if not present in session configuration, may not be null.
      nameKey - The key to look up for in session configuration to obtain user set value.
      mayCreate - If resulting path does not exist, should it create?
      The Path instance that is resolved and backed by existing directory.
      IOException - If some IO related errors happens.
      See Also: