Interface DependencyVisitor

All Known Implementing Classes:
CloningDependencyVisitor, DependencyGraphDumper, FilteringDependencyVisitor, PathRecordingDependencyVisitor, PostorderNodeListGenerator, PreorderNodeListGenerator, TreeDependencyVisitor

public interface DependencyVisitor
A visitor for nodes of the dependency graph.
See Also:
  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    Notifies the visitor of a node visit before its children have been processed.
    Notifies the visitor of a node visit after its children have been processed.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • visitEnter Link icon

      boolean visitEnter(DependencyNode node)
      Notifies the visitor of a node visit before its children have been processed.
      node - The dependency node being visited, must not be null.
      true to visit child nodes of the specified node as well, false to skip children.
    • visitLeave Link icon

      boolean visitLeave(DependencyNode node)
      Notifies the visitor of a node visit after its children have been processed. Note that this method is always invoked regardless whether any children have actually been visited.
      node - The dependency node being visited, must not be null.
      true to visit siblings nodes of the specified node as well, false to skip siblings.