Class SimpleResolutionErrorPolicy

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class SimpleResolutionErrorPolicy extends Object implements ResolutionErrorPolicy
A resolution error policy that allows to control caching for artifacts and metadata at a global level.
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      public SimpleResolutionErrorPolicy(boolean cacheNotFound, boolean cacheTransferErrors)
      Creates a new error policy with the specified behavior for both artifacts and metadata.
      cacheNotFound - true to enable caching of missing items, false to disable it.
      cacheTransferErrors - true to enable chaching of transfer errors, false to disable it.
    • SimpleResolutionErrorPolicy Link icon

      public SimpleResolutionErrorPolicy(int policy)
      Creates a new error policy with the specified bit mask for both artifacts and metadata.
      policy - The bit mask describing the policy for artifacts and metadata.
    • SimpleResolutionErrorPolicy Link icon

      public SimpleResolutionErrorPolicy(int artifactPolicy, int metadataPolicy)
      Creates a new error policy with the specified bit masks for artifacts and metadata.
      artifactPolicy - The bit mask describing the policy for artifacts.
      metadataPolicy - The bit mask describing the policy for metadata.
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