Available Skins

The following table lists skins that are available for you to use in your Maven generated site.

Note: You always have to define a skin, if you are using a site descriptor. There is no default skin applied automatically.

Maintained By The Maven Project

Skin Version Site Plugin Version Description Source Repository Issue Tracking
Maven Fluido Skin 2.0.1 [3.21.0,) Skin based on Bootstrap CSS. Git / GitHub GitHub Issues
Maven Fluido Skin 1.12.0 [3.10.0,3.20.0) Skin based on Bootstrap CSS. Git / GitHub GitHub Issues


Skin Version Site Plugin Version Retired Date Description
Maven Default Skin (unofficially) 1.3 [3.5,3.20.0) 2019-07-28 Formerly, this skin got applied, if no skin was configured in the site descriptor.
Maven Application Skin 1.0 (,3.4] 2015-12-28 A skin used by applications like Continuum.
Maven Classic Skin 1.1 (,3.4] 2015-12-28 This skin resembles the look of a site generated by Maven 1.
Maven Stylus Skin 1.5 (,3.4] 2015-12-28 The skin used for the website of Maven itself.

Outside The Maven Land

Skin Maintainer Description
Reflow Maven Skin Olivier Lamy Responsive Apache Maven skin to reflow the standard Maven site with a modern feel.
Reflow 2 Maven Skin Friederich Christophe Responsive 2 Apache Maven skin to reflow the standard Maven site with a modern feel.
Docs Maven Skin Bernardo Martínez Garrido A minimalist and responsive Bootstrap-based HTML5 skin for Maven Site, which will help to use it as a documentation site.
Bootstrap Site Skin Stephen Crocker Responsive Maven Bootstrap Skin which has toggleable elements implemented based on the boostrap reference layouts.
Sentry Maven Skin Sentry Software Responsive skin, Bootstrap-based, with local search, light/dark colors switch, WEBP conversion, etc.


To apply one of these skins to your project's site, you use the skin element of the site descriptor. This is a regular artifact or dependency-like element. For example, to use the Maven Fluido Skin, you would include the this in your site.xml file:
