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Run integration tests using Surefire.


  • Requires a Maven project to be executed.
  • Requires dependency resolution of artifacts in scope: test.
  • The goal is thread-safe and supports parallel builds.
  • Binds by default to the lifecycle phase: integration-test.

Required Parameters

Name Type Since Description
summaryFile File - The summary file to write integration test results to.
Default value is: ${}/failsafe-reports/failsafe-summary.xml.
testSourceDirectory File 2.2 The test source directory containing test class sources.
Default value is: ${}.

Optional Parameters

Name Type Since Description
additionalClasspathElements String[] 2.4 Additional elements to be appended to the classpath.
User property is: maven.test.additionalClasspath.
argLine String 2.1 Arbitrary JVM options to set on the command line.
User property is: argLine.
basedir File - The base directory of the project being tested. This can be obtained in your integration test via System.getProperty("basedir").
Default value is: ${basedir}.
childDelegation boolean 2.1 When false it makes tests run using the standard classloader delegation instead of the default Maven isolated classloader. Only used when forking (forkMode is not "none").
Setting it to false helps with some problems caused by conflicts between xml parsers in the classpath and the Java 5 provider parser.
Default value is: false.
User property is: childDelegation.
classesDirectory File - The directory containing generated classes of the project being tested. This will be included after the test classes in the test classpath.
Default value is: ${}.
classpathDependencyExcludes String[] 2.6 List of dependencies to exclude from the test classpath. Each dependency string must follow the format groupId:artifactId. For example: org.acme:project-a
User property is: maven.test.dependency.excludes.
classpathDependencyScopeExclude String 2.6 A dependency scope to exclude from the test classpath. The scope should be one of the scopes defined by org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact. This includes the following:
  • compile - system, provided, compile
  • runtime - compile, runtime
  • compile+runtime - system, provided, compile, runtime
  • runtime+system - system, compile, runtime
  • test - system, provided, compile, runtime, test

debugForkedProcess String 2.4 Attach a debugger to the forked JVM. If set to "true", the process will suspend and wait for a debugger to attach on port 5005. If set to some other string, that string will be appended to the argLine, allowing you to configure arbitrary debuggability options (without overwriting the other options specified through the argLine parameter).
User property is: maven.failsafe.debug.
dependenciesToScan String[] 2.15 List of dependencies to scan for test classes to include in the test run. The child elements of this element must be <dependency> elements, and the contents of each of these elements must be a string which follows the format: groupId:artifactId. For example: org.acme:project-a.
User property is: dependenciesToScan.
disableXmlReport boolean 2.2 Flag to disable the generation of report files in xml format.
Default value is: false.
User property is: disableXmlReport.
enableAssertions boolean 2.3.1 By default, Surefire enables JVM assertions for the execution of your test cases. To disable the assertions, set this flag to "false".
Default value is: true.
User property is: enableAssertions.
encoding String - The character encoding scheme to be applied.
Default value is: ${project.reporting.outputEncoding}.
User property is: encoding.
environmentVariables Map 2.1.3 Additional environment variables to set on the command line.
excludedGroups String 2.2 (TestNG/JUnit47 provider with JUnit4.8+ only) Excluded groups. Any methods/classes/etc with one of the groups specified in this list will specifically not be run.
For JUnit, this parameter forces the use of the 4.7 provider
This parameter is ignored if the suiteXmlFiles parameter is specified.
User property is: excludedGroups.
excludes List - A list of <exclude> elements specifying the tests (by pattern) that should be excluded in testing. When not specified and when the test parameter is not specified, the default excludes will be
(which excludes all inner classes).
This parameter is ignored if the TestNG suiteXmlFiles parameter is specified. Each exclude item may also contain a comma-separated sublist of items, which will be treated as multiple  <exclude> entries.

excludesFile File - A file containing exclude patterns. Blank lines, or lines starting with # are ignored. If excludes are also specified these patterns are appended.
failIfNoSpecifiedTests Boolean 2.12 Set this to "true" to cause a failure if the none of the tests specified in -Dtest=... are run. Defaults to "true".
User property is: it.failIfNoSpecifiedTests.
failIfNoTests Boolean 2.4 Set this to "true" to cause a failure if there are no tests to run. Defaults to "false".
User property is: failIfNoTests.
forkCount String 2.14 Option to specify the number of VMs to fork in parallel in order to execute the tests. When terminated with "C", the number part is multiplied with the number of CPU cores. Floating point value are only accepted together with "C". If set to "0", no VM is forked and all tests are executed within the main process.

Example values: "1.5C", "4"

The system properties and the argLine of the forked processes may contain the place holder string ${surefire.forkNumber}, which is replaced with a fixed number for each of the parallel forks, ranging from 1 to the effective value of forkCount times the maximum number of parallel Surefire executions in maven parallel builds, i.e. the effective value of the -T command line argument of maven core.
Default value is: 1.
User property is: forkCount.
forkMode String 2.1 DEPRECATED since version 2.14. Use forkCount and reuseForks instead.

Option to specify the forking mode. Can be "never", "once", "always", "perthread". "none" and "pertest" are also accepted for backwards compatibility. "always" forks for each test-class. "perthread" will create threadCount parallel forks, each executing one test-class. See also parameter reuseForks.

Default value is: once.
User property is: forkMode.
forkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds int 2.4 Kill the forked test process after a certain number of seconds. If set to 0, wait forever for the process, never timing out.
User property is: failsafe.timeout.
groups String 2.2 (TestNG/JUnit47 provider with JUnit4.8+ only) Groups for this test. Only classes/methods/etc decorated with one of the groups specified here will be included in test run, if specified.
For JUnit, this parameter forces the use of the 4.7 provider
This parameter is ignored if the suiteXmlFiles parameter is specified.
User property is: groups.
includes List - A list of <include> elements specifying the tests (by pattern) that should be included in testing. When not specified and when the test parameter is not specified, the default includes will be
Each include item may also contain a comma-separated sublist of items, which will be treated as multiple  <include> entries.
This parameter is ignored if the TestNG suiteXmlFiles parameter is specified.
includesFile File - A file containing include patterns. Blank lines, or lines starting with # are ignored. If includes are also specified these patterns are appended.
junitArtifactName String 2.3.1 Allows you to specify the name of the JUnit artifact. If not set, junit:junit will be used.
Default value is: junit:junit.
User property is: junitArtifactName.
jvm String 2.1 Option to specify the jvm (or path to the java executable) to use with the forking options. For the default, the jvm will be a new instance of the same VM as the one used to run Maven. JVM settings are not inherited from MAVEN_OPTS.
User property is: jvm.
objectFactory String 2.5 (TestNG only) Define the factory class used to create all test instances.
User property is: objectFactory.
parallel String 2.2 (TestNG only) When you use the parallel attribute, TestNG will try to run all your test methods in separate threads, except for methods that depend on each other, which will be run in the same thread in order to respect their order of execution. (JUnit 4.7 provider) Supports values "classes"/"methods"/"both" to run in separate threads, as controlled by threadCount.

Since version 2.16 (JUnit 4.7 provider), the value "both" is DEPRECATED. Use "classesAndMethods" instead.

Since version 2.16 (JUnit 4.7 provider), additional vales are available "suites"/"suitesAndClasses"/"suitesAndMethods"/"classesAndMethods"/"all".
User property is: parallel.
parallelOptimized boolean 2.17 (JUnit 4.7 / provider only) The thread counts do not exceed the number of parallel suite, class runners and average number of methods per class if set to true. True by default.
Default value is: true.
User property is: parallelOptimized.
parallelTestsTimeoutForcedInSeconds double 2.16 Stop executing queued parallel JUnit tests and interrupt currently running tests after a certain number of seconds.
Example values: "3.5", "4"

If set to 0, wait forever, never timing out. Makes sense with specified parallel different from "none".
User property is: failsafe.parallel.forcedTimeout.
parallelTestsTimeoutInSeconds double 2.16 Stop executing queued parallel JUnit tests after a certain number of seconds.
Example values: "3.5", "4"

If set to 0, wait forever, never timing out. Makes sense with specified parallel different from "none".
User property is: failsafe.parallel.timeout.
perCoreThreadCount boolean 2.5 (JUnit 4.7 provider) Indicates that threadCount, threadCountSuites, threadCountClasses, threadCountMethods are per cpu core.
Default value is: true.
User property is: perCoreThreadCount.
printSummary boolean - Option to print summary of test suites or just print the test cases that have errors.
Default value is: true.
User property is: failsafe.printSummary.
properties Properties 2.4 List of properties for configuring all TestNG related configurations. This is the new preferred method of configuring TestNG.
redirectTestOutputToFile boolean 2.3 Set this to "true" to redirect the unit test standard output to a file (found in reportsDirectory/testName-output.txt).
Default value is: false.
User property is: maven.test.redirectTestOutputToFile.
remoteRepositories List 2.2 The remote plugin repositories declared in the POM.
Default value is: ${project.pluginArtifactRepositories}.
reportFormat String - Selects the formatting for the test report to be generated. Can be set as "brief" or "plain". Only applies to the output format of the output files (target/surefire-reports/testName.txt)
Default value is: brief.
User property is: failsafe.reportFormat.
reportNameSuffix String - Add custom text into report filename: TEST-testClassName-reportNameSuffix.xml, testClassName-reportNameSuffix.txt and testClassName-reportNameSuffix-output.txt. File TEST-testClassName-reportNameSuffix.xml has changed attributes 'testsuite'--'name' and 'testcase'--'classname' - reportNameSuffix is added to the attribute value.
User property is: surefire.reportNameSuffix.
reportsDirectory File - Base directory where all reports are written to.
Default value is: ${}/failsafe-reports.
reuseForks boolean 2.13 Indicates if forked VMs can be reused. If set to "false", a new VM is forked for each test class to be executed. If set to "true", up to forkCount VMs will be forked and then reused to execute all tests.
Default value is: true.
User property is: reuseForks.
runOrder String 2.7 Defines the order the tests will be run in. Supported values are "alphabetical", "reversealphabetical", "random", "hourly" (alphabetical on even hours, reverse alphabetical on odd hours), "failedfirst", "balanced" and "filesystem". Odd/Even for hourly is determined at the time the of scanning the classpath, meaning it could change during a multi-module build. Failed first will run tests that failed on previous run first, as well as new tests for this run. Balanced is only relevant with parallel=classes, and will try to optimize the run-order of the tests to make all tests complete at the same time, reducing the overall execution time. Note that the statistics are stored in a file named .surefire-XXXXXXXXX beside pom.xml, and should not be checked into version control. The "XXXXX" is the SHA1 checksum of the entire surefire configuration, so different configurations will have different statistics files, meaning if you change any config settings you will re-run once before new statistics data can be established.
Default value is: filesystem.
skip boolean - Set this to "true" to bypass unit tests entirely. Its use is NOT RECOMMENDED, especially if you enable it using the "maven.test.skip" property, because maven.test.skip disables both running the tests and compiling the tests. Consider using the skipTests parameter instead.
Default value is: false.
User property is: maven.test.skip.
skipExec boolean 2.3 Deprecated. Use skipTests instead.
User property is: maven.test.skip.exec.
skipITs boolean 2.4.3-alpha-2 Set this to "true" to skip running integration tests, but still compile them. Its use is NOT RECOMMENDED, but quite convenient on occasion.
User property is: skipITs.
skipTests boolean 2.4 Set this to "true" to skip running tests, but still compile them. Its use is NOT RECOMMENDED, but quite convenient on occasion.
Default value is: false.
User property is: skipTests.
suiteXmlFiles File[] 2.2 (TestNG) List of <suiteXmlFile> elements specifying TestNG suite xml file locations. Note that suiteXmlFiles is incompatible with several other parameters of this plugin, like includes/excludes.
This parameter is ignored if the test parameter is specified (allowing you to run a single test instead of an entire suite).
systemProperties Properties - Deprecated. Use systemPropertyVariables instead.
systemPropertiesFile File 2.8.2 List of System properties, loaded from a file, to pass to the JUnit tests.
systemPropertyVariables Map 2.5 List of System properties to pass to the JUnit tests.
test String - Specify this parameter to run individual tests by file name, overriding the includes/excludes parameters. Each pattern you specify here will be used to create an include pattern formatted like **/${test}.java, so you can just type "-Dit.test=MyTest" to run a single test called "foo/".
This parameter overrides the includes/excludes parameters, and the TestNG suiteXmlFiles parameter. since 2.7.3 You can execute a limited number of methods in the test with adding #myMethod or #my*ethod. E.g. type "-Dit.test=MyTest#myMethod" supported for junit 4.x and testNg
User property is: it.test.
testClassesDirectory File - The directory containing generated test classes of the project being tested. This will be included at the beginning of the test classpath. *
Default value is: ${}.
testNGArtifactName String 2.3.1 Allows you to specify the name of the TestNG artifact. If not set, org.testng:testng will be used.
Default value is: org.testng:testng.
User property is: testNGArtifactName.
threadCount int 2.2 (TestNG/JUnit 4.7 provider) The attribute thread-count allows you to specify how many threads should be allocated for this execution. Only makes sense to use in conjunction with the parallel parameter.
User property is: threadCount.
threadCountClasses int 2.16 (JUnit 4.7 provider) This attribute allows you to specify the concurrency in test classes, i.e.:
  • number of concurrent classes if threadCount is 0 or unspecified
  • limited classes concurrency if useUnlimitedThreads is set to true
  • if threadCount and certain thread-count parameters are > 0 for parallel, the concurrency is computed from ratio. For instance parallel=all and the ratio between threadCountSuites:threadCountClasses:threadCountMethods is 2:3:5, there is 30% of threadCount in concurrent classes.
  • as in the previous case but without this leaf thread-count. Example: parallel=suitesAndClasses, threadCount=16, threadCountSuites=5, threadCountClasses is unspecified leaf, the number of concurrent classes is varying from >= 11 to 14 or 15. The threadCountSuites become number of threads.
Only makes sense to use in conjunction with the parallel parameter. The default value 0 behaves same as unspecified one.
Default value is: 0.
User property is: threadCountClasses.
threadCountMethods int 2.16 (JUnit 4.7 provider) This attribute allows you to specify the concurrency in test methods, i.e.:
  • number of concurrent methods if threadCount is 0 or unspecified
  • limited concurrency of methods if useUnlimitedThreads is set to true
  • if threadCount and certain thread-count parameters are > 0 for parallel, the concurrency is computed from ratio. For instance parallel=all and the ratio between threadCountSuites:threadCountClasses:threadCountMethods is 2:3:5, there is 50% of threadCount in concurrent methods.
  • as in the previous case but without this leaf thread-count. Example: parallel=all, threadCount=16, threadCountSuites=2, threadCountClasses=3, but threadCountMethods is unspecified leaf, the number of concurrent methods is varying from >= 11 to 14 or 15. The threadCountSuites and threadCountClasses become number of threads.
Only makes sense to use in conjunction with the parallel parameter. The default value 0 behaves same as unspecified one.
Default value is: 0.
User property is: threadCountMethods.
threadCountSuites int 2.16 (JUnit 4.7 provider) This attribute allows you to specify the concurrency in test suites, i.e.:
  • number of concurrent suites if threadCount is 0 or unspecified
  • limited suites concurrency if useUnlimitedThreads is set to true
  • if threadCount and certain thread-count parameters are > 0 for parallel, the concurrency is computed from ratio. For instance parallel=all and the ratio between threadCountSuites:threadCountClasses:threadCountMethods is 2:3:5, there is 20% of threadCount in concurrent suites.
Only makes sense to use in conjunction with the parallel parameter. The default value 0 behaves same as unspecified one.
Default value is: 0.
User property is: threadCountSuites.
trimStackTrace boolean 2.2 Whether to trim the stack trace in the reports to just the lines within the test, or show the full trace.
Default value is: true.
User property is: trimStackTrace.
useFile boolean - Option to generate a file test report or just output the test report to the console.
Default value is: true.
User property is: failsafe.useFile.
useManifestOnlyJar boolean 2.4.3 By default, Surefire forks your tests using a manifest-only JAR; set this parameter to "false" to force it to launch your tests with a plain old Java classpath. (See for a more detailed explanation of manifest-only JARs and their benefits.) Beware, setting this to "false" may cause your tests to fail on Windows if your classpath is too long.
Default value is: true.
User property is: failsafe.useManifestOnlyJar.
useSystemClassLoader boolean 2.3 Option to pass dependencies to the system's classloader instead of using an isolated class loader when forking. Prevents problems with JDKs which implement the service provider lookup mechanism by using the system's classloader.
Default value is: true.
User property is: failsafe.useSystemClassLoader.
useUnlimitedThreads boolean 2.5 (JUnit 4.7 provider) Indicates that the thread pool will be unlimited. The parallel parameter and the actual number of classes/methods will decide. Setting this to "true" effectively disables perCoreThreadCount and threadCount. Defaults to "false".
Default value is: false.
User property is: useUnlimitedThreads.
workingDirectory File 2.1.3 Command line working directory.
User property is: basedir.

Parameter Details


Additional elements to be appended to the classpath.
  • Type: java.lang.String[]
  • Since: 2.4
  • Required: No
  • User Property: maven.test.additionalClasspath


Arbitrary JVM options to set on the command line.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 2.1
  • Required: No
  • User Property: argLine


The base directory of the project being tested. This can be obtained in your integration test via System.getProperty("basedir").
  • Type:
  • Required: No
  • Default: ${basedir}


When false it makes tests run using the standard classloader delegation instead of the default Maven isolated classloader. Only used when forking (forkMode is not "none").
Setting it to false helps with some problems caused by conflicts between xml parsers in the classpath and the Java 5 provider parser.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 2.1
  • Required: No
  • User Property: childDelegation
  • Default: false


The directory containing generated classes of the project being tested. This will be included after the test classes in the test classpath.
  • Type:
  • Required: No
  • Default: ${}


List of dependencies to exclude from the test classpath. Each dependency string must follow the format groupId:artifactId. For example: org.acme:project-a
  • Type: java.lang.String[]
  • Since: 2.6
  • Required: No
  • User Property: maven.test.dependency.excludes


A dependency scope to exclude from the test classpath. The scope should be one of the scopes defined by org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact. This includes the following:
  • compile - system, provided, compile
  • runtime - compile, runtime
  • compile+runtime - system, provided, compile, runtime
  • runtime+system - system, compile, runtime
  • test - system, provided, compile, runtime, test
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 2.6
  • Required: No


Attach a debugger to the forked JVM. If set to "true", the process will suspend and wait for a debugger to attach on port 5005. If set to some other string, that string will be appended to the argLine, allowing you to configure arbitrary debuggability options (without overwriting the other options specified through the argLine parameter).
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 2.4
  • Required: No
  • User Property: maven.failsafe.debug


List of dependencies to scan for test classes to include in the test run. The child elements of this element must be <dependency> elements, and the contents of each of these elements must be a string which follows the format: groupId:artifactId. For example: org.acme:project-a.
  • Type: java.lang.String[]
  • Since: 2.15
  • Required: No
  • User Property: dependenciesToScan


Flag to disable the generation of report files in xml format.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 2.2
  • Required: No
  • User Property: disableXmlReport
  • Default: false


By default, Surefire enables JVM assertions for the execution of your test cases. To disable the assertions, set this flag to "false".
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 2.3.1
  • Required: No
  • User Property: enableAssertions
  • Default: true


The character encoding scheme to be applied.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: encoding
  • Default: ${project.reporting.outputEncoding}


Additional environment variables to set on the command line.
  • Type: java.util.Map
  • Since: 2.1.3
  • Required: No


(TestNG/JUnit47 provider with JUnit4.8+ only) Excluded groups. Any methods/classes/etc with one of the groups specified in this list will specifically not be run.
For JUnit, this parameter forces the use of the 4.7 provider
This parameter is ignored if the suiteXmlFiles parameter is specified.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 2.2
  • Required: No
  • User Property: excludedGroups


A list of <exclude> elements specifying the tests (by pattern) that should be excluded in testing. When not specified and when the test parameter is not specified, the default excludes will be
(which excludes all inner classes).
This parameter is ignored if the TestNG suiteXmlFiles parameter is specified. Each exclude item may also contain a comma-separated sublist of items, which will be treated as multiple  <exclude> entries.
  • Type: java.util.List
  • Required: No


A file containing exclude patterns. Blank lines, or lines starting with # are ignored. If excludes are also specified these patterns are appended.
  • Type:
  • Required: No


Set this to "true" to cause a failure if the none of the tests specified in -Dtest=... are run. Defaults to "true".
  • Type: java.lang.Boolean
  • Since: 2.12
  • Required: No
  • User Property: it.failIfNoSpecifiedTests


Set this to "true" to cause a failure if there are no tests to run. Defaults to "false".
  • Type: java.lang.Boolean
  • Since: 2.4
  • Required: No
  • User Property: failIfNoTests


Option to specify the number of VMs to fork in parallel in order to execute the tests. When terminated with "C", the number part is multiplied with the number of CPU cores. Floating point value are only accepted together with "C". If set to "0", no VM is forked and all tests are executed within the main process.

Example values: "1.5C", "4"

The system properties and the argLine of the forked processes may contain the place holder string ${surefire.forkNumber}, which is replaced with a fixed number for each of the parallel forks, ranging from 1 to the effective value of forkCount times the maximum number of parallel Surefire executions in maven parallel builds, i.e. the effective value of the -T command line argument of maven core.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 2.14
  • Required: No
  • User Property: forkCount
  • Default: 1


DEPRECATED since version 2.14. Use forkCount and reuseForks instead.

Option to specify the forking mode. Can be "never", "once", "always", "perthread". "none" and "pertest" are also accepted for backwards compatibility. "always" forks for each test-class. "perthread" will create threadCount parallel forks, each executing one test-class. See also parameter reuseForks.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 2.1
  • Required: No
  • User Property: forkMode
  • Default: once


Kill the forked test process after a certain number of seconds. If set to 0, wait forever for the process, never timing out.
  • Type: int
  • Since: 2.4
  • Required: No
  • User Property: failsafe.timeout


(TestNG/JUnit47 provider with JUnit4.8+ only) Groups for this test. Only classes/methods/etc decorated with one of the groups specified here will be included in test run, if specified.
For JUnit, this parameter forces the use of the 4.7 provider
This parameter is ignored if the suiteXmlFiles parameter is specified.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 2.2
  • Required: No
  • User Property: groups


A list of <include> elements specifying the tests (by pattern) that should be included in testing. When not specified and when the test parameter is not specified, the default includes will be
Each include item may also contain a comma-separated sublist of items, which will be treated as multiple  <include> entries.
This parameter is ignored if the TestNG suiteXmlFiles parameter is specified.
  • Type: java.util.List
  • Required: No


A file containing include patterns. Blank lines, or lines starting with # are ignored. If includes are also specified these patterns are appended.
  • Type:
  • Required: No


Allows you to specify the name of the JUnit artifact. If not set, junit:junit will be used.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 2.3.1
  • Required: No
  • User Property: junitArtifactName
  • Default: junit:junit


Option to specify the jvm (or path to the java executable) to use with the forking options. For the default, the jvm will be a new instance of the same VM as the one used to run Maven. JVM settings are not inherited from MAVEN_OPTS.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 2.1
  • Required: No
  • User Property: jvm


(TestNG only) Define the factory class used to create all test instances.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 2.5
  • Required: No
  • User Property: objectFactory


(TestNG only) When you use the parallel attribute, TestNG will try to run all your test methods in separate threads, except for methods that depend on each other, which will be run in the same thread in order to respect their order of execution. (JUnit 4.7 provider) Supports values "classes"/"methods"/"both" to run in separate threads, as controlled by threadCount.

Since version 2.16 (JUnit 4.7 provider), the value "both" is DEPRECATED. Use "classesAndMethods" instead.

Since version 2.16 (JUnit 4.7 provider), additional vales are available "suites"/"suitesAndClasses"/"suitesAndMethods"/"classesAndMethods"/"all".
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 2.2
  • Required: No
  • User Property: parallel


(JUnit 4.7 / provider only) The thread counts do not exceed the number of parallel suite, class runners and average number of methods per class if set to true. True by default.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 2.17
  • Required: No
  • User Property: parallelOptimized
  • Default: true


Stop executing queued parallel JUnit tests and interrupt currently running tests after a certain number of seconds.
Example values: "3.5", "4"

If set to 0, wait forever, never timing out. Makes sense with specified parallel different from "none".
  • Type: double
  • Since: 2.16
  • Required: No
  • User Property: failsafe.parallel.forcedTimeout


Stop executing queued parallel JUnit tests after a certain number of seconds.
Example values: "3.5", "4"

If set to 0, wait forever, never timing out. Makes sense with specified parallel different from "none".
  • Type: double
  • Since: 2.16
  • Required: No
  • User Property: failsafe.parallel.timeout


(JUnit 4.7 provider) Indicates that threadCount, threadCountSuites, threadCountClasses, threadCountMethods are per cpu core.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 2.5
  • Required: No
  • User Property: perCoreThreadCount
  • Default: true


Option to print summary of test suites or just print the test cases that have errors.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • User Property: failsafe.printSummary
  • Default: true


List of properties for configuring all TestNG related configurations. This is the new preferred method of configuring TestNG.
  • Type: java.util.Properties
  • Since: 2.4
  • Required: No


Set this to "true" to redirect the unit test standard output to a file (found in reportsDirectory/testName-output.txt).
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 2.3
  • Required: No
  • User Property: maven.test.redirectTestOutputToFile
  • Default: false


The remote plugin repositories declared in the POM.
  • Type: java.util.List
  • Since: 2.2
  • Required: No
  • Default: ${project.pluginArtifactRepositories}


Selects the formatting for the test report to be generated. Can be set as "brief" or "plain". Only applies to the output format of the output files (target/surefire-reports/testName.txt)
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: failsafe.reportFormat
  • Default: brief


Add custom text into report filename: TEST-testClassName-reportNameSuffix.xml, testClassName-reportNameSuffix.txt and testClassName-reportNameSuffix-output.txt. File TEST-testClassName-reportNameSuffix.xml has changed attributes 'testsuite'--'name' and 'testcase'--'classname' - reportNameSuffix is added to the attribute value.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: surefire.reportNameSuffix


Base directory where all reports are written to.
  • Type:
  • Required: No
  • Default: ${}/failsafe-reports


Indicates if forked VMs can be reused. If set to "false", a new VM is forked for each test class to be executed. If set to "true", up to forkCount VMs will be forked and then reused to execute all tests.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 2.13
  • Required: No
  • User Property: reuseForks
  • Default: true


Defines the order the tests will be run in. Supported values are "alphabetical", "reversealphabetical", "random", "hourly" (alphabetical on even hours, reverse alphabetical on odd hours), "failedfirst", "balanced" and "filesystem". Odd/Even for hourly is determined at the time the of scanning the classpath, meaning it could change during a multi-module build. Failed first will run tests that failed on previous run first, as well as new tests for this run. Balanced is only relevant with parallel=classes, and will try to optimize the run-order of the tests to make all tests complete at the same time, reducing the overall execution time. Note that the statistics are stored in a file named .surefire-XXXXXXXXX beside pom.xml, and should not be checked into version control. The "XXXXX" is the SHA1 checksum of the entire surefire configuration, so different configurations will have different statistics files, meaning if you change any config settings you will re-run once before new statistics data can be established.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 2.7
  • Required: No
  • Default: filesystem


Set this to "true" to bypass unit tests entirely. Its use is NOT RECOMMENDED, especially if you enable it using the "maven.test.skip" property, because maven.test.skip disables both running the tests and compiling the tests. Consider using the skipTests parameter instead.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • User Property: maven.test.skip
  • Default: false


Deprecated. Use skipTests instead.
This old parameter is just like skipTests, but bound to the old property "maven.test.skip.exec".
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 2.3
  • Required: No
  • User Property: maven.test.skip.exec


Set this to "true" to skip running integration tests, but still compile them. Its use is NOT RECOMMENDED, but quite convenient on occasion.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 2.4.3-alpha-2
  • Required: No
  • User Property: skipITs


Set this to "true" to skip running tests, but still compile them. Its use is NOT RECOMMENDED, but quite convenient on occasion.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 2.4
  • Required: No
  • User Property: skipTests
  • Default: false


(TestNG) List of <suiteXmlFile> elements specifying TestNG suite xml file locations. Note that suiteXmlFiles is incompatible with several other parameters of this plugin, like includes/excludes.
This parameter is ignored if the test parameter is specified (allowing you to run a single test instead of an entire suite).
  • Type:[]
  • Since: 2.2
  • Required: No


The summary file to write integration test results to.
  • Type:
  • Required: Yes
  • Default: ${}/failsafe-reports/failsafe-summary.xml


Deprecated. Use systemPropertyVariables instead.
List of System properties to pass to the JUnit tests.
  • Type: java.util.Properties
  • Required: No


List of System properties, loaded from a file, to pass to the JUnit tests.
  • Type:
  • Since: 2.8.2
  • Required: No


List of System properties to pass to the JUnit tests.
  • Type: java.util.Map
  • Since: 2.5
  • Required: No


Specify this parameter to run individual tests by file name, overriding the includes/excludes parameters. Each pattern you specify here will be used to create an include pattern formatted like **/${test}.java, so you can just type "-Dit.test=MyTest" to run a single test called "foo/".
This parameter overrides the includes/excludes parameters, and the TestNG suiteXmlFiles parameter. since 2.7.3 You can execute a limited number of methods in the test with adding #myMethod or #my*ethod. E.g. type "-Dit.test=MyTest#myMethod" supported for junit 4.x and testNg
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Required: No
  • User Property: it.test


The directory containing generated test classes of the project being tested. This will be included at the beginning of the test classpath. *
  • Type:
  • Required: No
  • Default: ${}


Allows you to specify the name of the TestNG artifact. If not set, org.testng:testng will be used.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 2.3.1
  • Required: No
  • User Property: testNGArtifactName
  • Default: org.testng:testng


The test source directory containing test class sources.
  • Type:
  • Since: 2.2
  • Required: Yes
  • Default: ${}


(TestNG/JUnit 4.7 provider) The attribute thread-count allows you to specify how many threads should be allocated for this execution. Only makes sense to use in conjunction with the parallel parameter.
  • Type: int
  • Since: 2.2
  • Required: No
  • User Property: threadCount


(JUnit 4.7 provider) This attribute allows you to specify the concurrency in test classes, i.e.:
  • number of concurrent classes if threadCount is 0 or unspecified
  • limited classes concurrency if useUnlimitedThreads is set to true
  • if threadCount and certain thread-count parameters are > 0 for parallel, the concurrency is computed from ratio. For instance parallel=all and the ratio between threadCountSuites:threadCountClasses:threadCountMethods is 2:3:5, there is 30% of threadCount in concurrent classes.
  • as in the previous case but without this leaf thread-count. Example: parallel=suitesAndClasses, threadCount=16, threadCountSuites=5, threadCountClasses is unspecified leaf, the number of concurrent classes is varying from >= 11 to 14 or 15. The threadCountSuites become number of threads.
Only makes sense to use in conjunction with the parallel parameter. The default value 0 behaves same as unspecified one.
  • Type: int
  • Since: 2.16
  • Required: No
  • User Property: threadCountClasses
  • Default: 0


(JUnit 4.7 provider) This attribute allows you to specify the concurrency in test methods, i.e.:
  • number of concurrent methods if threadCount is 0 or unspecified
  • limited concurrency of methods if useUnlimitedThreads is set to true
  • if threadCount and certain thread-count parameters are > 0 for parallel, the concurrency is computed from ratio. For instance parallel=all and the ratio between threadCountSuites:threadCountClasses:threadCountMethods is 2:3:5, there is 50% of threadCount in concurrent methods.
  • as in the previous case but without this leaf thread-count. Example: parallel=all, threadCount=16, threadCountSuites=2, threadCountClasses=3, but threadCountMethods is unspecified leaf, the number of concurrent methods is varying from >= 11 to 14 or 15. The threadCountSuites and threadCountClasses become number of threads.
Only makes sense to use in conjunction with the parallel parameter. The default value 0 behaves same as unspecified one.
  • Type: int
  • Since: 2.16
  • Required: No
  • User Property: threadCountMethods
  • Default: 0


(JUnit 4.7 provider) This attribute allows you to specify the concurrency in test suites, i.e.:
  • number of concurrent suites if threadCount is 0 or unspecified
  • limited suites concurrency if useUnlimitedThreads is set to true
  • if threadCount and certain thread-count parameters are > 0 for parallel, the concurrency is computed from ratio. For instance parallel=all and the ratio between threadCountSuites:threadCountClasses:threadCountMethods is 2:3:5, there is 20% of threadCount in concurrent suites.
Only makes sense to use in conjunction with the parallel parameter. The default value 0 behaves same as unspecified one.
  • Type: int
  • Since: 2.16
  • Required: No
  • User Property: threadCountSuites
  • Default: 0


Whether to trim the stack trace in the reports to just the lines within the test, or show the full trace.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 2.2
  • Required: No
  • User Property: trimStackTrace
  • Default: true


Option to generate a file test report or just output the test report to the console.
  • Type: boolean
  • Required: No
  • User Property: failsafe.useFile
  • Default: true


By default, Surefire forks your tests using a manifest-only JAR; set this parameter to "false" to force it to launch your tests with a plain old Java classpath. (See for a more detailed explanation of manifest-only JARs and their benefits.) Beware, setting this to "false" may cause your tests to fail on Windows if your classpath is too long.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 2.4.3
  • Required: No
  • User Property: failsafe.useManifestOnlyJar
  • Default: true


Option to pass dependencies to the system's classloader instead of using an isolated class loader when forking. Prevents problems with JDKs which implement the service provider lookup mechanism by using the system's classloader.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 2.3
  • Required: No
  • User Property: failsafe.useSystemClassLoader
  • Default: true


(JUnit 4.7 provider) Indicates that the thread pool will be unlimited. The parallel parameter and the actual number of classes/methods will decide. Setting this to "true" effectively disables perCoreThreadCount and threadCount. Defaults to "false".
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 2.5
  • Required: No
  • User Property: useUnlimitedThreads
  • Default: false


Command line working directory.
  • Type:
  • Since: 2.1.3
  • Required: No
  • User Property: basedir