All Classes and Interfaces

The base class of an event.
A provider base class that all providers should extend to shield themselves from interface changes
The base class of an event of standard streams.
AbstractStreamDecoder<M,MT extends Enum<MT>,ST extends Enum<ST>>
Underflow - could not completely read out al bytes in one call.
The base class of stream encoder.
The base class of an event of test control.
Internal generic wrapper.
Data transfer object of class and method literals.
This iterator is marked as stopped if CloseableIterator.isClosed() returns true.
Encapsulates data and command sent from master to forked process.
Hiding CommandReader instance in provider.
CLI options.
Command listener interface.
Concurrency utilities.
The event with a message for console debug level.
The event with a message for console error level.
The event with a message for console info level.
Deals with system.out/err.
The event with a message for console warning level.
The control event of bye.
The control event of requesting a next test.
The control event of stopping on next test.
Creates new daemon Thread.
Applies the final runorder of the tests
Dumps lost commands and caused exceptions in forked JVM.
Dumps a text or exception in dump file.
Super type of events.
Events sent back to the plugin process.
Creates ForkingReporters, which are typically one instance per TestSet or thread.
Encodes the full output of the test run to the "target".
The properties related to the current JVM.
Resolves string test patterns in object oriented patterns P.
Copies input map in constructor, and Entries are linked and thread-safe.
The event for the JVM exit error.
Write the trace out for a POJO test.
An abstraction for physical decoder of commands.
An abstraction for physical encoder of events.
Commands which are sent from plugin to the forked jvm.
Similar to Java 7 java.util.Objects.
Minimum data requirement for report entry.
Injected into the providers upon provider construction.
Describes a single entry for a test report
Bits and pieces of reporting configuration that seem to be necessary on the provider side.
Exception occurring during report generation.
Used by the providers to request (per-thread) run listeners.
will be renamed to ResolvedTestPattern
Type of patterns in ResolvedTest constructor.
Used by providers to report results.
Determines the purpose the provider started the tests.
A RunOrder specifies the order in which the tests will be run.
Represents a test-run-result; this may be from a single test run or an aggregated result.
Guards against misbehaving throwables
Specifies the way how the forked jvm should be terminated after class AbstractCommandStream is closed and CTRL+C.
Basic implementation of TestSetReportEntry (immutable and thread-safe object).
Filter for test class files
Ability to write a stack trace, filtered to omit locations inside Surefire and Maven.
The event of standard error stream.
The event of standard error stream with new line.
The event of standard output stream.
The event of standard output stream with new line.
Common java.lang.String manipulation routines.
Centralized file management of temporary files in surefire.
Files are deleted on VM exit.
Interface to be implemented by all Surefire providers.
Exception indicating that surefire had problems with reflection.
The event of system property.
Management of temporary files in surefire with support for sub directories of the system's directory of temporary files.
The File.createTempFile(String, String) API creates rather meaningless file names and only in the system's temp directory.
This class creates temp files from a prefix, a unique date/timestamp, a short file id and suffix.
Contains information about the detected test artifact
The event for the failed assumption.
JUnit Description parser.
The event for the erroneous test.
The event for the failed test.
Generic interface of test filter.
Resolved multi pattern filter e.g.
A receiver of stdout/sterr output from running tests.
This report entry should be used in TestOutputReceiver.writeTestOutput(OutputReportEntry).
This architecture has two sides (forked JVM, plugin JVM) implementing the same interface TestReportListener:
Information about the requested test.
The event for completed testset.
Exception that indicates a test failed.
Describes test-set when started and finished.
The event for started testset.
The event for the skipped test.
The event for started test.
Contains all the tests that have been found according to specified include/exclude specification for a given surefire run.
The event for succeeded test.
Extends WritableByteChannel with buffered (i.e.