Interface Balancer

  • public interface Balancer
    The Balancer controls the maximum of concurrent threads in the current Scheduler(s) and prevents from own thread resources exhaustion if other group of schedulers share the same pool of threads.
    If a permit is available, acquirePermit() simply returns and a new test is scheduled by Scheduler.schedule(Runnable) in the current runner. Otherwise waiting for a release. One permit is released as soon as the child thread has finished.
    Tibor Digana (tibor17)
    • Method Detail

      • acquirePermit

        boolean acquirePermit()
        Acquires a permit from this balancer, blocking until one is available.
        true if current thread is NOT interrupted while waiting for a permit.
      • releasePermit

        void releasePermit()
        Releases a permit, returning it to the balancer.
      • releaseAllPermits

        void releaseAllPermits()