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Surefire Report


[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
326 0 0 0 100% 46.34 s

Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.

Package List

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]

Package Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire 99 0 0 0 100% 6.943 s
org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.booterclient.lazytestprovider 15 0 0 0 100% 1.130 s
org.apache.maven.surefire.util 2 0 0 0 100% 0.005 s
org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.booterclient 62 0 0 0 100% 5.559 s 28 0 0 0 100% 2.034 s
org.apache.maven.surefire.extensions 8 0 0 0 100% 1.144 s
org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.extensions 38 0 0 0 100% 16.96 s
org.apache.maven.surefire.spi 3 0 0 0 100% 0.010 s
org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.runorder 7 0 0 0 100% 0.105 s
org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.booterclient.output 36 0 0 0 100% 12.03 s 7 0 0 0 100% 0.150 s 6 0 0 0 100% 0.005 s
org.apache.maven.plugin.surefire.util 15 0 0 0 100% 0.266 s

Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
SurefirePropertiesTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0 s
SurefireHelperTest 13 0 0 0 100% 0.050 s
AbstractSurefireMojoTest 27 0 0 0 100% 3.104 s
AbstractSurefireMojoJava7PlusTest 4 0 0 0 100% 2.000 s
AbstractSurefireMojoToolchainsTest 8 0 0 0 100% 1.569 s
MojoMocklessTest 11 0 0 0 100% 0.024 s
CommonReflectorTest 3 0 0 0 100% 0.021 s
AbstractSurefireMojoJunitCoreProvidersInfoTest 16 0 0 0 100% 0.155 s
AbstractSurefireMojoProvidersInfoTest 13 0 0 0 100% 0.020 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
TestProvidingInputStreamTest 5 0 0 0 100% 1.120 s
TestLessInputStreamBuilderTest 10 0 0 0 100% 0.010 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
RelocatorTest 2 0 0 0 100% 0.005 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
ForkingRunListenerTest 15 0 0 0 100% 0.089 s
ForkConfigurationTest 9 0 0 0 100% 0.165 s
BooterDeserializerStartupConfigurationTest 7 0 0 0 100% 0.050 s
BooterDeserializerProviderConfigurationTest 7 0 0 0 100% 0.046 s
DefaultForkConfigurationTest 10 0 0 0 100% 1.380 s
JarManifestForkConfigurationTest 10 0 0 0 100% 3.340 s
ModularClasspathForkConfigurationTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0.009 s
ForkStarterTest 2 0 0 0 100% 0.480 s
ChecksumCalculatorTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0 s

- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
WrappedReportEntryTest 10 0 0 0 100% 0 s
StatelessXmlReporterTest 11 0 0 0 100% 1.040 s
DefaultReporterFactoryTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0.080 s
TestSetStatsTest 3 0 0 0 100% 0.914 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
StatelessTestsetInfoReporterTest 7 0 0 0 100% 1.109 s
ForkChannelTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0.035 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
ForkedProcessEventNotifierTest$ReportEntryTest 1 0 0 0 100% 1.830 s
ForkedProcessEventNotifierTest$DecoderOperationsTest 19 0 0 0 100% 1.049 s
ConsoleOutputReporterTest 6 0 0 0 100% 0.011 s
StatelessReporterTest 6 0 0 0 100% 0 s
StreamFeederTest 2 0 0 0 100% 0.030 s
E2ETest 3 0 0 0 100% 6.082 s
EventConsumerThreadTest 1 0 0 0 100% 7.960 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
SPITest 3 0 0 0 100% 0.010 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
RunEntryStatisticsMapTest 7 0 0 0 100% 0.105 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
ForkClientTest 33 0 0 0 100% 0.126 s
ThreadedStreamConsumerTest 3 0 0 0 100% 11.90 s

- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
RunStatisticsTest 1 0 0 0 100% 0 s
FileReporterTest 2 0 0 0 100% 0.010 s
ConsoleOutputFileReporterTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0.140 s

- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
EventDecoderTest 6 0 0 0 100% 0.005 s


- Class Tests Errors Failures Skipped Success Rate Time
SpecificFileFilterTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0 s
DirectoryScannerTest 5 0 0 0 100% 0.040 s
DependenciesScannerTest 4 0 0 0 100% 0.215 s
ScannerUtilTest 2 0 0 0 100% 0.011 s

Test Cases

[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]


testRelocation 0.005 s
testFoo 0 s


testSetRunStatistics 0 s


testFileNameWithSuffix 0.010 s
testFileNameWithoutSuffix 0 s


testConcurrentAccessReportFile 0.110 s
testNullReportFile 0.010 s
testFileNameWithSuffix 0.010 s
testFileNameWithoutSuffix 0.010 s


testKeys 0 s
testConstructWithOther 0 s
testKeysReinsert 0 s
testPutAll 0 s


testMatchSingleSegmentWildcard 0 s
testMatchSingleSegmentWordWildcard 0 s
testMatchSingleCharacterWildcard 0 s
testMatchMultiSegmentWildcard 0 s


locateTestClasses["**/*ZT*" should count is <3> classes] 0.020 s
locateTestClasses["**/*ZT*" should count is <3> classes] 0 s
locateTestClasses["**/*ZT?, !*ZT2A" should count is <2> classes] 0.015 s
locateTestClasses["**/*ZT?, !*ZT2A#testMethod" should count is <3> classes] 0.005 s
locateTestClasses["#testMethod" should count is a value equal to or greater than <3> classes] 0 s


testLocateTestClassesFromMultipleArtifactsWithType 0.180 s
testLocateTestClassesFromArtifactWithClassifier 0.014 s
testLocateTestClassesFromMultipleVersionsOfArtifact 0.016 s
testLocateTestClasses 0.005 s


testPrioritizedClassRuntime 0.015 s
testMultiLineTestMethodName 0.060 s
testDeserializeClass 0.009 s
testSerialize 0.011 s
testCombinedMethodNames 0 s
testPrioritizedFailureFirst 0 s
testSerializeClass 0.010 s


testElapsed 0 s
testEqualDisplayNames 0 s
testDisplayNames 0 s
testGetReportNameWithGroupWhenSourceTextIsNull 0 s
testClassNameOnly 0 s
testGetReportNameWithGroupWhenSourceTextIsBlank 0 s
testGetReportNameWithGroupWhenSourceTextIsEmpty 0 s
testRegular 0 s
testGetReportNameWithParams 0 s
testGetReportNameWithGroupWhenSourceTextIsProvided 0 s


testFreeOnDeferredFile 0.860 s
testReporterHandlesATestWithoutMessageAndWithEmptyStackTrace 0.010 s
testWritesOnDeferredFile 0.030 s
testAllFieldsSerialized 0.052 s
testOutputRerunFlakyFailure 0.048 s
testSyncOnDeferredFile 0 s
testFileNameWithoutSuffix 0.010 s
testCacheOnDeferredFile 0.015 s
testOutputRerunFlakyAssumption 0.015 s
testNoWritesOnDeferredFile 0 s
testLengthOnDeferredFile 0 s


testCreateReporterWithZeroStatistics 0.040 s
testMergeTestHistoryResult 0.040 s
testGetTestResultType 0 s
testLogger 0 s


testFailedWithCommaInMessage 0.059 s
testAssumptionFailure 0 s
testSetStarting 0 s
testFailure 0 s
testSystemProperties 0.011 s
testMultipleEntries 0 s
test2DifferentChannels 0 s
testConsole 0 s
testConsoleOutput 0 s
testSetCompleted 0.010 s
testFailed 0 s
testSucceeded 0 s
testFailedWithUnicodeEscapeInMessage 0 s
testSkipped 0.009 s
testStarting 0 s


testCreateCommandLine_UseSystemClassLoaderForkOnce_ShouldConstructManifestOnlyJar 0.100 s
testEnvInterpolateForkNumber 0.016 s
testExceptionWhenCurrentDirectoryIsNotRealDirectory 0.005 s
testEnv 0 s
testArglineWithNewline 0.010 s
testCliArgs 0.010 s
testDebugLine 0 s
testCurrentWorkingDirectoryPropagationIncludingForkNumberExpansion 0.024 s
testExceptionWhenCurrentDirectoryCannotBeCreated 0 s


testClassPathConfiguration 0.015 s
testProcessChecker 0 s
testProvider 0.011 s
testClassLoaderConfiguration 0 s
testClassLoaderConfigurationTrues 0.014 s
testProcessCheckerAll 0 s
testProcessCheckerNull 0.010 s


testTestForFork 0.011 s
testDirectoryScannerParams 0.005 s
testTestRequest 0 s
testReporterConfiguration 0.015 s
testFailIfNoTests 0.005 s
testTestArtifact 0.002 s
testTestForForkWithMultipleFiles 0.008 s


shouldReadTest 0 s
shouldDecodeTwoCommands 0 s
finishedTestsetShouldNotBlock 0.119 s
emptyStreamShouldWaitUntilClosed 1.001 s
closedStreamShouldReturnNullAsEndOfStream 0 s


shouldDecodeTwoCommands 0 s
shouldThrowUnsupportedException1 0 s
shouldThrowUnsupportedException2 0 s
shouldThrowUnsupportedException3 0 s
shouldThrowUnsupportedException4 0 s
shouldThrowUnsupportedException5 0 s
shouldThrowUnsupportedException6 0 s
combinedCommands 0.010 s
immediateCommands 0 s
cachableCommandsShouldBeIterableWithStillOpenIterator 0 s


shouldLoad2SpiObjects 0.010 s
shouldNotLoadEmptySpi 0 s
shouldNotLoadSpiDoesNotExist 0 s


shouldCloneDumpFiles 0 s
shouldHandleTestFailure 0 s
shouldHandleFailWithoutExitCode 0.040 s
shouldReplaceForkNumberPath 0 s
shouldReplaceLongForkNumberPath 0 s
shouldHandleFailIfJvmNonZeroExitCode 0 s
shouldBeThreeDumpFiles 0 s
passesIfFlakesAreWithinThreshold 0 s
testConstants 0 s
shouldHandleFailIfNoTests 0.010 s
failsIfThereAreTooManyFlakes 0 s
reportsFailuresAndFlakes 0 s
shouldEscapeWindowsPath 0 s


shouldSmartlyResolveJUnit5ProviderWithVintage 1.680 s
shouldConvertJunitEngineParameters 0.009 s
shouldNotPerformMethodFilteringOnIncludes 0.071 s
shouldRetainInProcArtifactsUnique 0.005 s
shouldCreateStartupConfigWithModularPath 0.200 s
shouldHaveStartupConfigForNonModularClasspath 0.365 s
shouldSmartlyResolveJUnit5ProviderWithJUnit4 0.015 s
shouldSmartlyResolveJUnit5ProviderWithJupiterApi 0.017 s
shouldSmartlyResolveJUnit5ProviderWithJupiterEngineInPluginDependencies 0.013 s
noModuleDescriptorFile 0.005 s
shouldCreateInProcClasspath 0.025 s
shouldExistTmpDirectory 0.185 s
correctModuleDescriptor 0.020 s
shouldGenerateTestClasspath 0.387 s
shouldRetainInPluginArtifacts 0.003 s
corruptedModuleDescriptor 0 s
shouldVerifyConfigParameters 0.007 s
shouldUseOnlySpecificTests 0.013 s
shouldFilterTestsOnExcludes 0.010 s
shouldFilterTestsOnExcludesFile 0.010 s
shouldFilterTestsOnIncludesFile 0.010 s
shouldSmartlyResolveJUnit5ProviderWithJUnit5Commons 0.010 s
shouldSmartlyResolveJUnit5ProviderWithJUnit5Engine 0 s
shouldSmartlyResolveJUnit5ProviderWithJupiterEngine 0.010 s
providerClasspathCachingIsNotSharedAcrossMojoInstances 0.029 s
shouldShowArray 0.005 s
shouldShowMap 0 s


shouldBeNullArgLine 1.050 s
shouldBeEmptyArgLine 0.055 s
shouldBeWithoutEscaping 0.064 s
shouldBeWithEscaping 0.041 s
shouldEscapeThreadNumber 0.034 s
shouldEscapeForkNumber 0.035 s
shouldNotRelocateBooterClass 0.031 s
shouldBeWhitespaceInsteadOfNewLines 0.040 s
shouldRelocateBooterClassWhenShadefire 0 s
shouldBeEmptyArgLineInsteadOfNewLines 0.030 s


shouldRelativizeOnRealPlatform 0.360 s
crossDriveWindows 0.664 s
shouldMakeAbsoluteUriOnRealPlatform 0 s
shouldEscapeUri 0.006 s
relativeClasspathWindowsSimple 0.005 s
relativeClasspathWindowsTricky 0.005 s
uncWindows 2.300 s
shouldMakeRelativeUriOnRealPlatform 0 s
relativeClasspathUnixSimple 0 s
relativeClasspathUnixTricky 0 s


shouldCreateModularArgsFile 0.009 s


testAllProviderInfo 1.360 s
shouldJoinStrings 0 s
shouldHaveStartupConfigForModularClasspathAndTestDescriptor 0.584 s
shouldHaveStartupConfigForModularClasspath 0.056 s


shouldCallMethodWhenSpecSet 1.329 s
shouldChangeJavaHomeFromJvm 0.030 s
shouldFailWithWrongJvmExecPath 0.041 s
withoutJvmAndToolchain 0.110 s
shouldChangeJavaHomeFromToolchain 0.059 s
shouldNotChangeJavaHomeFromJvmIfAlreadySet 0 s
shouldFallthroughToBuildContextWhenNoSpecSet 0 s
shouldNotChangeJavaHomeFromToolchainIfAlreadySet 0 s


shouldConvertJarFileResourceToJavaClassName 0.011 s
shouldBeClassFile 0 s


scanDependenciesShouldReturnNullWithEmptyTestJAR 0.005 s
scanDependenciesShouldReturnClassWithExistingTestJAR 0.005 s
scanMultipleDependencies 0 s
scanDependenciesShouldReturnNullWithWAR 0 s
testForkCountComputation 0 s
scanDependenciesShouldReturnNull 0 s
scanDependenciesShouldReturnNullWithExistingWAR 0.009 s
scanDependenciesShouldReturnNullAfterMissingBuildArtifact 0 s
testGetStartupReportConfiguration2 0 s
scanDependenciesShouldReturnClassWithDirectory 0.005 s
testGetStartupReportConfiguration 0 s


shouldReceiveStdErrNewLine 0.036 s
shouldSendTestFailed 0.019 s
shouldAcquireNextTest 0 s
shouldLogConsoleWarning 0 s
shouldBePossibleToKill 0 s
shouldReceiveStdOutNewLine 0.005 s
shouldSendTestsetCompleted 0.010 s
shouldFailOnNPE 0.005 s
shouldSendTestsetStartingKilled 0.010 s
shouldLogConsoleDebug 0 s
shouldLogConsoleError 0 s
shouldSendTestStarting 0 s
shouldReceiveStdErr 0 s
shouldReceiveStdOut 0.011 s
shouldLogJvmMessageAndProcessEvent 0 s
shouldNotifyWithBye 0 s
shouldLogUnorderedErrors 0 s
shouldStopOnNextTest 0 s
shouldSendTestsetStarting 0.009 s
shouldSendSystemProperty 0 s
shouldSendTestAssumptionFailure 0 s
shouldLogJvmError1 0 s
shouldLogJvmError2 0 s
shouldLogJvmError3 0 s
shouldLogJvmError4 0.010 s
shouldLogJvmError5 0 s
shouldLogJvmError6 0 s
shouldLogJvmMessage 0 s
shouldLogConsoleErrorWithStackTrace 0 s
shouldSendTestSucceeded 0.011 s
shouldSendTestError 0 s
shouldSendTestSkipped 0 s
shouldLogConsoleInfo 0 s


testReportEntryOperations 1.830 s


testError 0.924 s
shouldSendStopOnNextTestEvent 0.011 s
shouldSendNextTestEvent 0 s
testErrorWithException 0.005 s
testStdOutStreamPrintln 0.009 s
shouldHandleErrorAfterNullLine 0 s
testStdOutStreamPrintlnWithNull 0 s
testStdOutStreamPrintWithNull 0.011 s
testConsole 0 s
shouldSendByeEvent 0 s
shouldCorrectlyDecodeStackTracesWithEmptyStringTraceMessages 0.080 s
testErrorWithStackTraceWriter 0 s
testStdOutStreamPrint 0 s
testDebug 0 s
testStdErrStream 0 s
shouldHandleExit 0 s
testStdOutStream 0 s
testWarning 0 s
shouldHandleErrorAfterUnknownOperation 0.009 s


shouldCreateJUnit5ConsoleListener 0 s
shouldCloneJUnit5ConsoleReporter 0 s
shouldAssertToStringConsoleReporter 0.011 s
shouldCloneConsoleReporter 0 s
shouldAssertToStringJUnit5ConsoleReporter 0 s
shouldCreateConsoleListener 0 s


shouldCreateJUnit5ConsoleListener 0 s
shouldCloneJUnit5XmlReporter 0 s
shouldAssertToStringJUnit5ConsoleReporter 0 s
shouldAssertToStringXmlReporter 0 s
shouldCreateConsoleListener 0 s
shouldCloneXmlReporter 0 s


shouldConcatenateWithTestGroup 0.904 s
shouldFallBackToTestGroupIfJUnit5TestGroupIsNull 0.010 s
shouldConcatenateWithJUnit5TestGroup 0 s


shouldCloneReporter 1.010 s
shouldAssertToStringReporter 0 s
shouldCreateFileReporterListener 0.010 s
shouldCloneJUnit5Reporter 0 s
shouldReportTestsetLifecycle 0.089 s
shouldAssertToStringJUnit5Reporter 0 s
shouldCreateConsoleReporterListener 0 s


shouldProxyConsoleLogger 0.021 s
createReportingReporterFactory 0 s
testCreateConsoleLogger 0 s


processShouldExitWithoutSayingGoodBye 0.315 s
processShouldWaitForAck 0.165 s


shouldRequestReplyMessagesViaTCP 0.035 s


shouldFailThread 0.025 s
shouldEncodeCommandToStream 0.005 s


shouldNotVerifyClient 0.010 s
endToEndTest 6.070 s
shouldVerifyClient 0.002 s


testQueueSynchronizer 4.577 s
testBasicStatus 3.001 s
testThreadedStreamConsumer 4.325 s


shouldMapEventTypes 0 s
shouldCreateEvent 0 s
shouldRecognizeEmptyStream4ReportEntry 0 s
shouldMapRunModes 0.005 s
testCreatingReportEntry 0 s
shouldMapEventTypeToSegmentType 0 s


performanceTest 7.960 s


testGetSha1 0 s


test[0: junit=null, junitDep=null, parallel=false, groups=false then isApplicable=false] 0.145 s
test[1: junit=null, junitDep=null, parallel=true, groups=false then isApplicable=false] 0 s
test[2: junit=null, junitDep=null, parallel=false, groups=true then isApplicable=false] 0 s
test[3: junit=null, junitDep=null, parallel=true, groups=true then isApplicable=false] 0.005 s
test[4: junit=4.5, junitDep=null, parallel=false, groups=false then isApplicable=false] 0 s
test[5: junit=4.7, junitDep=null, parallel=false, groups=false then isApplicable=false] 0 s
test[6: junit=4.5, junitDep=null, parallel=true, groups=false then isApplicable=false] 0 s
test[7: junit=4.7, junitDep=null, parallel=true, groups=false then isApplicable=true] 0 s
test[8: junit=4.5, junitDep=null, parallel=false, groups=true then isApplicable=false] 0 s
test[9: junit=4.7, junitDep=null, parallel=false, groups=true then isApplicable=true] 0 s
test[10: junit=null, junitDep=4.5, parallel=false, groups=false then isApplicable=false] 0 s
test[11: junit=null, junitDep=4.7, parallel=false, groups=false then isApplicable=false] 0 s
test[12: junit=null, junitDep=4.5, parallel=true, groups=false then isApplicable=false] 0 s
test[13: junit=null, junitDep=4.7, parallel=true, groups=false then isApplicable=true] 0.005 s
test[14: junit=null, junitDep=4.5, parallel=false, groups=true then isApplicable=false] 0 s
test[15: junit=null, junitDep=4.7, parallel=false, groups=true then isApplicable=true] 0 s


jUnit4ProviderJunit3WithJDepArtifact 0.015 s
jUnitPlatformProviderApplicable 0.005 s
jUnitPlatformProviderNotApplicable 0 s
jUnitPlatformProviderNotApplicableForPlatformRunner 0 s
testNgProviderNotApplicable 0 s
defaultProviderAreAlwaysAvailable 0 s
testNgProviderApplicable 0 s
jUnit4ProviderJunit45AsDependencyArtifact 0 s
jUnit4ProviderJunit3AsDependencyArtifact 0 s
jUnit4ProviderJunit47AsDependencyArtifact 0 s
jUnit4ProviderNullArtifacts 0 s
jUnit4ProviderOnlyJunitDepArtifact 0 s
dynamicProviderAreAlwaysApplicable 0 s