Apache Maven 1.x has reached its end of life, and is no longer supported. For more information, see the announcement. Users are encouraged to migrate to the current version of Apache Maven.

General Application Generation Settings

Name Description
default Generate a project to create a simple jar component.
ejb Generate a project to create a simple EJB.
struts Generate a project to create a simple web app with Struts.
struts-jstl Generate a project to create a simple web app with Struts and JSTL.
struts-validation Generate a project to create a simple web app with Struts and its Validator.
tapestry Generate a project to create a simple web app with Tapestry.
web Generate a project to create a simple web app.
web-jstl Generate a project to create a simple web app with JSTL.
web-velocity Generate a project to create a simple web app with Velocity.
complex Generate a project to create J2EE projects with ear, wars, ejbs, struts, xdoclet.