Apache Maven 1.x has reached its end of life, and is no longer supported. For more information, see the announcement. Users are encouraged to migrate to the current version of Apache Maven.

Link Check Report

19 file(s) and 791 link(s) checked. 0 error(s) and 21 warning(s) reported in 19 file(s).

Document links
total success warning error
changelog-report.html 108 107 1 0
trans warning trans http://www.google.com - 302 Found

dependencies.html 24 23 1 0
trans warning trans http://www.google.com - 302 Found

dependency-convergence-report.html 50 49 1 0
trans warning trans http://www.google.com - 302 Found

developer-activity-report.html 25 24 1 0
trans warning trans http://www.google.com - 302 Found

development-process.html 20 19 1 0
trans warning trans http://www.google.com - 302 Found

downloads.html 19 18 1 0
trans warning trans http://www.google.com - 302 Found

file-activity-report.html 65 64 1 0
trans warning trans http://www.google.com - 302 Found

index.html 19 18 1 0
trans warning trans http://www.google.com - 302 Found

issue-tracking.html 25 24 1 0
trans warning trans http://www.google.com - 302 Found

license.html 24 23 1 0
trans warning trans http://www.google.com - 302 Found

linkcheck.html 24 23 1 0
trans warning trans http://www.google.com - 302 Found

mail-lists.html 50 48 2 0
trans warning trans http://www.google.com - 302 Found

trans warning trans http://www.nabble.com/Apache-Maven-Developers-List-f179.html - 301 Moved Permanently

maven-reports.html 24 23 1 0
trans warning trans http://www.google.com - 302 Found

multichanges-report-next.html 92 90 2 0
trans warning trans http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MPSCM-64 - 302 Found

trans warning trans http://www.google.com - 302 Found

multichanges-report.html 85 84 1 0
trans warning trans http://www.google.com - 302 Found

project-info.html 24 23 1 0
trans warning trans http://www.google.com - 302 Found

projects-overview.html 50 49 1 0
trans warning trans http://www.google.com - 302 Found

scm-usage.html 27 26 1 0
trans warning trans http://www.google.com - 302 Found

team-list.html 36 35 1 0
trans warning trans http://www.google.com - 302 Found