Class DelegatingArtifact

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class DelegatingArtifact
    extends AbstractArtifact
    An artifact that delegates to another artifact instance. This class serves as a base for subclasses that want to carry additional data fields.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DelegatingArtifact

        protected DelegatingArtifact​(Artifact delegate)
        Creates a new artifact instance that delegates to the specified artifact.
        delegate - The artifact to delegate to, must not be null.
    • Method Detail

      • newInstance

        protected abstract DelegatingArtifact newInstance​(Artifact delegate)
        Creates a new artifact instance that delegates to the specified artifact. Subclasses should use this hook to instantiate themselves, taking along any data from the current instance that was added.
        delegate - The artifact to delegate to, must not be null.
        The new delegating artifact, never null.
      • getGroupId

        public String getGroupId()
        Description copied from interface: Artifact
        Gets the group identifier of this artifact, for example "org.apache.maven".
        The group identifier, never null.
      • getArtifactId

        public String getArtifactId()
        Description copied from interface: Artifact
        Gets the artifact identifier of this artifact, for example "maven-model".
        The artifact identifier, never null.
      • getVersion

        public String getVersion()
        Description copied from interface: Artifact
        Gets the version of this artifact, for example "1.0-20100529-1213". Note that in case of meta versions like "1.0-SNAPSHOT", the artifact's version depends on the state of the artifact. Artifacts that have been resolved or deployed will usually have the meta version expanded.
        The version, never null.
      • getClassifier

        public String getClassifier()
        Description copied from interface: Artifact
        Gets the classifier of this artifact, for example "sources".
        The classifier or an empty string if none, never null.
      • getExtension

        public String getExtension()
        Description copied from interface: Artifact
        Gets the (file) extension of this artifact, for example "jar" or "tar.gz".
        The file extension (without leading period), never null.
      • getFile

        public File getFile()
        Description copied from interface: Artifact
        Gets the file of this artifact. Note that only resolved artifacts have a file associated with them. In general, callers must not assume any relationship between an artifact's filename and its coordinates.
        The file or null if the artifact isn't resolved.
      • getProperty

        public String getProperty​(String key,
                                  String defaultValue)
        Description copied from interface: Artifact
        Gets the specified property.
        Specified by:
        getProperty in interface Artifact
        getProperty in class AbstractArtifact
        key - The name of the property, must not be null.
        defaultValue - The default value to return in case the property is not set, may be null.
        The requested property value or null if the property is not set and no default value was provided.
        See Also:
      • getProperties

        public Map<String,​StringgetProperties()
        Description copied from interface: Artifact
        Gets the properties of this artifact. Clients may use these properties to associate non-persistent values with an artifact that help later processing when the artifact gets passed around within the application.
        The (read-only) properties, never null.
        See Also:
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object obj)
        Description copied from class: AbstractArtifact
        Compares this artifact with the specified object.
        equals in class AbstractArtifact
        obj - The object to compare this artifact against, may be null.
        true if and only if the specified object is another Artifact with equal coordinates, properties and file, false otherwise.