Class DefaultMirrorSelector

    • Method Detail

      • add

        public DefaultMirrorSelector add​(String id,
                                         String url,
                                         String type,
                                         boolean repositoryManager,
                                         String mirrorOfIds,
                                         String mirrorOfTypes)
        Adds the specified mirror to this selector.
        id - The identifier of the mirror, must not be null.
        url - The URL of the mirror, must not be null.
        type - The content type of the mirror, must not be null.
        repositoryManager - A flag whether the mirror is a repository manager or a simple server.
        mirrorOfIds - The identifier(s) of remote repositories to mirror, must not be null. Multiple identifiers can be separated by comma and additionally the wildcards "*" and "external:*" can be used to match all (external) repositories, prefixing a repo id with an exclamation mark allows to express an exclusion. For example "external:*,!central".
        mirrorOfTypes - The content type(s) of remote repositories to mirror, may be null or empty to match any content type. Similar to the repo id specification, multiple types can be comma-separated, the wildcard "*" and the "!" negation syntax are supported. For example "*,!p2".
        This selector for chaining, never null.