Apache Maven 1.x has reached its end of life, and is no longer supported. For more information, see the announcement. Users are encouraged to migrate to the current version of Apache Maven.

Registering a Clover report

The typical way to use the Clover plugin is by registering a Clover report in your project.xml:



clover This is the default goal. It compiles the project code with Clover, executes the unit tests and generate Clover reports by calling the clover:report goal.
clover:test Compiles the project code with Clover and executes the unit tests.
clover:test-single Execute a single unit test and view the test coverage result directly using the Clover Swing viewer. This is useful if you wish to quickly see the action that a single unit test has on the code it tests.
clover:report Generate Clover test coverage reports with Clover. There are 3 possible reports: HTML, XML or Swing. Whether a report is generated is controlled by the maven.clover.report.[report name] properties. The generated reports show exactly what lines of your code were exercised by your tests.
clover:xml-report Generate an XML test coverage report with Clover.
clover:html-report Generate an HTML test coverage report with Clover.
clover:swing-report Generate a Swing test coverage report with Clover.
clover:on Activates Clover, which means that any other plugin calling the Ant javac task will find its code compiled with Clover. This is useful for example to Clover Cactus tests: maven clover:on cactus.
clover:off Deactivates Clover, resetting back the normal javac compiler.
clover:check Fail the build if the test coverage percentage is below a defined threshold.
clover:save-history Saves a Clover history point that will then be used for generating history reports when the clover:report goal is called.
clover:merge Merges several Clover databases into one. This goal is meant to be called in the top level master project (multiproject). It is called automatically by the clover:multiproject goal.
clover:multiproject Runs Clover on a multiproject and merge the Clover databases.This goal does not generate a report; call clover:report for that or add Clover as a report in your POM.