Apache Maven 1.x has reached its end of life, and is no longer supported. For more information, see the announcement. Users are encouraged to migrate to the current version of Apache Maven.

Release History

1.5.1 2007-04-30
1.5 2006-05-07
1.4 2006-01-15
1.3.1 2004-10-23
1.3 2004-07-08
1.2 2004-05-15
1.1 2003-09-29

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Release 1.5.1 - 2007-04-30

add Add a property that controls the source code encoding. Fixes MPJALOPY-12. Thanks to Joachim Bader. ltheussl
update Upgrade plexus-utils to version 1.0.5 Fixes MAVEN-1803. aheritier

Release 1.5 - 2006-05-07

add Add a new goal to open Jalopy's SettingsDialog. Fixes MPJALOPY-11. Thanks to Joachim Bader. ltheussl
update Rewrite the plugin so it doesn't use the jalopy ant task anymore. Fixes MPJALOPY-10. ltheussl
add New properties maven.jalopy.inspect, maven.jalopy.backup and maven.jalopy.force. Removed properties maven.jalopy.logLevel and maven.jalopy.nbThread. ltheussl
update Upgrade to log4j 1.2.13. Fixes MAVEN-1759. aheritier
fix Jalopy classes aren't found. Fixes MPJALOPY-9. aheritier

Release 1.4 - 2006-01-15

update Update to jalopy 1.5b5 adding support for java 5. carlos
update Update license to Apache 2.0. Fixes MPJALOPY-8. evenisse
update Update dependencies to match ones in maven 1.1 core and to unify them between plugins. The following dependencies are updated :
  • jdom v1.0b8 - > v1.0
  • log4j v1.2.8 - > v1.2.12
  • oro v2.0.7 - > v2.0.8
Fixes MAVEN-1712.

Release 1.3.1 - 2004-10-23

update Matchs Jalopy and checkstyle. Fixes MPJALOPY-3. evenisse
update Allows multiple includes/excludes patterns. Fixes MPJALOPY-6. evenisse

Release 1.3 - 2004-07-08

update Add some exclude properties. Fixes MPJALOPY-5. evenisse
update Move to jalopy 1.0b11 evenisse

Release 1.2 - 2004-05-15


Release 1.1 - 2003-09-29

fix Fixed MAVEN-798. Add Test source formatting. evenisse
update Move to oro 2.0.7 dion
update Move to log4j 1.2.8 dion
fix Fixed directory of plugin resources. evenisse