Uses of Class

Packages that use ScmBean

Uses of ScmBean in org.apache.maven.plugins.scm

Subclasses of ScmBean in org.apache.maven.plugins.scm
 class ScmAddBean
          A bean for using the Maven SCM API because wrangling objects in Jelly is no fun.
 class ScmCheckinBean
          A bean for using the Maven SCM API because wrangling objects in Jelly is no fun.
 class ScmDiffBean
          A bean for using the Maven SCM API because wrangling objects in Jelly is no fun.
 class ScmPatternBean
          A bean for using the Maven SCM API because wrangling objects in Jelly is no fun.
 class ScmStatusBean
          A bean for using the Maven SCM API because wrangling objects in Jelly is no fun.
 class ScmUpdateBean
          A bean for using the Maven SCM API because wrangling objects in Jelly is no fun.

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