Interface IssueManagementSystem

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractIssueManagementSystem, JIRAIssueManagmentSystem, TracIssueManagmentSystem

public interface IssueManagementSystem

An interface for issue management systems.

The plan is to enhance this interface to allow communication with different issue management systems in a consistent way.

Method Summary
 void applyConfiguration(Map<String,String> issueTypes)
          Configure this issue management system.
 Map<String,IssueType> getIssueTypeMap()
          Get a mapping of issue types used in this issue management system to the ones used in a changes.xml file.
 String getName()
          Get the name of the issue management system.

Method Detail


Map<String,IssueType> getIssueTypeMap()
Get a mapping of issue types used in this issue management system to the ones used in a changes.xml file.

The map from keys used in poms and other config files to issue types.


String getName()
Get the name of the issue management system.

The name of the IMS.


void applyConfiguration(Map<String,String> issueTypes)
                        throws MojoExecutionException
Configure this issue management system.

issueTypes - The mapping of issue types used in this issue management system to the ones used in a changes.xml file
MojoExecutionException - If the configuration fails

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