CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 4.2.2.


File Line
org/apache/maven/plugin/javadoc/resolver/ResourceResolver.java 78
org/apache/maven/plugin/javadoc/resolver/ResourceResolver.java 115
        final List<String> dirs = new ArrayList<String>();

        final Map<String, MavenProject> projectMap = new HashMap<String, MavenProject>();
        if ( config.reactorProjects() != null )
            for ( final MavenProject p : config.reactorProjects() )
                projectMap.put( key( p.getGroupId(), p.getArtifactId() ), p );

        final List<Artifact> artifacts = config.project().getTestArtifacts();

        final List<Artifact> forResourceResolution = new ArrayList<Artifact>( artifacts.size() );
        for ( final Artifact artifact : artifacts )
            final String key = key( artifact.getGroupId(), artifact.getArtifactId() );
            final MavenProject p = projectMap.get( key );
            if ( p != null )

File Line
org/apache/maven/plugin/javadoc/TestJavadocJar.java 152
org/apache/maven/plugin/javadoc/TestJavadocReport.java 228

    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Protected methods
    // Important Note: should be inline with methods defined in TestJavadocJar
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    protected List getProjectBuildOutputDirs( MavenProject p )
        List dirs = new ArrayList();
        if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( p.getBuild().getOutputDirectory() ) )
            dirs.add( p.getBuild().getOutputDirectory() );
        if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( p.getBuild().getTestOutputDirectory() ) )
            dirs.add( p.getBuild().getTestOutputDirectory() );

        return dirs;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    protected List getProjectSourceRoots( MavenProject p )
        if ( "pom".equals( p.getPackaging().toLowerCase() ) )
            return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;

        return ( p.getTestCompileSourceRoots() == null ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST

File Line
org/apache/maven/plugin/javadoc/JavadocReport.java 235
org/apache/maven/plugin/javadoc/TestJavadocReport.java 188

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    public File getReportOutputDirectory()
        if ( reportOutputDirectory == null )
            return outputDirectory;

        return reportOutputDirectory;

     * Method to set the directory where the generated reports will be put
     * @param reportOutputDirectory the directory file to be set
    public void setReportOutputDirectory( File reportOutputDirectory )
        updateReportOutputDirectory( reportOutputDirectory, destDir );

    public void setDestDir( String destDir )
        this.destDir = destDir;
        updateReportOutputDirectory( reportOutputDirectory, destDir );

    private void updateReportOutputDirectory( File reportOutputDirectory, String destDir )
        if ( reportOutputDirectory != null && destDir != null
             && !reportOutputDirectory.getAbsolutePath().endsWith( destDir ) )
            this.reportOutputDirectory = new File( reportOutputDirectory, destDir );
            this.reportOutputDirectory = reportOutputDirectory;