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1   /*
2    =================== DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE ====================
3    Generated by Modello 1.0.1 on 2009-09-09 03:30:24,
4    any modifications will be overwritten.
5    ==============================================================
6    */
8   package org.apache.maven.model;
10  /**
11   * 
12   *         
13   *         The <code>&lt;execution&gt;</code> element contains
14   * informations required for the
15   *         execution of a plugin.
16   *         
17   *       
18   * 
19   * @version $Revision$ $Date$
20   */
21  public class PluginExecution
22      extends ConfigurationContainer
23      implements
24  {
26        //--------------------------/
27       //- Class/Member Variables -/
28      //--------------------------/
30      /**
31       * The identifier of this execution for labelling the goals
32       * during the build,
33       *             and for matching executions to merge during
34       * inheritance and profile injection.
35       */
36      private String id = "default";
38      /**
39       * The build lifecycle phase to bind the goals in this
40       * execution to. If omitted,
41       *             the goals will be bound to the default phase
42       * specified in their metadata. 
43       */
44      private String phase;
46      /**
47       * Field goals.
48       */
49      private java.util.List<String> goals;
52        //-----------/
53       //- Methods -/
54      //-----------/
56      /**
57       * Method addGoal.
58       * 
59       * @param string
60       */
61      public void addGoal( String string )
62      {
63          if ( !(string instanceof String) )
64          {
65              throw new ClassCastException( "PluginExecution.addGoals(string) parameter must be instanceof " + String.class.getName() );
66          }
67          getGoals().add( string );
68      } //-- void addGoal( String )
70      /**
71       * Method getGoals.
72       * 
73       * @return List
74       */
75      public java.util.List<String> getGoals()
76      {
77          if ( this.goals == null )
78          {
79              this.goals = new java.util.ArrayList<String>();
80          }
82          return this.goals;
83      } //-- java.util.List<String> getGoals()
85      /**
86       * Get the identifier of this execution for labelling the goals
87       * during the build,
88       *             and for matching executions to merge during
89       * inheritance and profile injection.
90       * 
91       * @return String
92       */
93      public String getId()
94      {
95          return;
96      } //-- String getId()
98      /**
99       * Get the build lifecycle phase to bind the goals in this
100      * execution to. If omitted,
101      *             the goals will be bound to the default phase
102      * specified in their metadata.
103      * 
104      * @return String
105      */
106     public String getPhase()
107     {
108         return this.phase;
109     } //-- String getPhase()
111     /**
112      * Method removeGoal.
113      * 
114      * @param string
115      */
116     public void removeGoal( String string )
117     {
118         if ( !(string instanceof String) )
119         {
120             throw new ClassCastException( "PluginExecution.removeGoals(string) parameter must be instanceof " + String.class.getName() );
121         }
122         getGoals().remove( string );
123     } //-- void removeGoal( String )
125     /**
126      * Set the goals to execute with the given configuration.
127      * 
128      * @param goals
129      */
130     public void setGoals( java.util.List<String> goals )
131     {
132         this.goals = goals;
133     } //-- void setGoals( java.util.List )
135     /**
136      * Set the identifier of this execution for labelling the goals
137      * during the build,
138      *             and for matching executions to merge during
139      * inheritance and profile injection.
140      * 
141      * @param id
142      */
143     public void setId( String id )
144     {
145 = id;
146     } //-- void setId( String )
148     /**
149      * Set the build lifecycle phase to bind the goals in this
150      * execution to. If omitted,
151      *             the goals will be bound to the default phase
152      * specified in their metadata.
153      * 
154      * @param phase
155      */
156     public void setPhase( String phase )
157     {
158         this.phase = phase;
159     } //-- void setPhase( String )
163     public static final String DEFAULT_EXECUTION_ID = "default";
166 }