Interface ProfileActivator

All Known Implementing Classes:
FileProfileActivator, JdkVersionProfileActivator, OperatingSystemProfileActivator, PropertyProfileActivator

public interface ProfileActivator

Determines whether a profile should be activated.

Benjamin Bentmann

Method Summary
 boolean isActive(Profile profile, ProfileActivationContext context, ModelProblemCollector problems)
          Determines whether the specified profile is active in the given activator context.

Method Detail


boolean isActive(Profile profile,
                 ProfileActivationContext context,
                 ModelProblemCollector problems)
Determines whether the specified profile is active in the given activator context.

profile - The profile whose activation status should be determined, must not be null.
context - The environmental context used to determine the activation status of the profile, must not be null.
problems - The container used to collect problems (e.g. bad syntax) that were encountered, must not be null.
true if the profile is active, false otherwise.

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