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1   // =================== DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE ====================
2   // Generated by Modello 2.0.0,
3   // any modifications will be overwritten.
4   // ==============================================================
6   package org.apache.maven.shared.model.fileset;
8   /**
9    * 
10   *         Defines the rules for matching and working with files in
11   * a given base directory.
12   *       
13   * 
14   * @version $Revision$ $Date$
15   */
16  @SuppressWarnings( "all" )
17  public class FileSet
18      extends SetBase
19      implements
20  {
22        //--------------------------/
23       //- Class/Member Variables -/
24      //--------------------------/
26      /**
27       * 
28       *             Absolute or relative from the module's
29       * directory.  For
30       *             example, "src/main/bin" would select this
31       * subdirectory
32       *             of the project in which this dependency is
33       * defined.
34       *           
35       */
36      private String directory;
38      /**
39       * 
40       *             
41       *             Controls the line-endings of files in this
42       * fileSet.
43       *             <br/>
44       *             Valid values:
45       *             <ul>
46       *               <li><b>"keep"</b> - Preserve all line
47       * endings</li>
48       *               <li><b>"unix"</b> - Use Unix-style line
49       * endings</li>
50       *               <li><b>"lf"</b> - Use a single line-feed line
51       * endings</li>
52       *               <li><b>"dos"</b> - Use DOS-style line
53       * endings</li>
54       *               <li><b>"crlf"</b> - Use Carraige-return,
55       * line-feed line endings</li>
56       *             </ul>
57       *             
58       *           
59       */
60      private String lineEnding;
62      /**
63       * Field modelEncoding.
64       */
65      private String modelEncoding = "UTF-8";
68        //-----------/
69       //- Methods -/
70      //-----------/
72      /**
73       * Get absolute or relative from the module's directory.  For
74       *             example, "src/main/bin" would select this
75       * subdirectory
76       *             of the project in which this dependency is
77       * defined.
78       * 
79       * @return String
80       */
81      public String getDirectory()
82      {
83          return;
84      } //-- String getDirectory()
86      /**
87       * Get controls the line-endings of files in this fileSet.
88       *             <br/>
89       *             Valid values:
90       *             <ul>
91       *               <li><b>"keep"</b> - Preserve all line
92       * endings</li>
93       *               <li><b>"unix"</b> - Use Unix-style line
94       * endings</li>
95       *               <li><b>"lf"</b> - Use a single line-feed line
96       * endings</li>
97       *               <li><b>"dos"</b> - Use DOS-style line
98       * endings</li>
99       *               <li><b>"crlf"</b> - Use Carraige-return,
100      * line-feed line endings</li>
101      *             </ul>
102      * 
103      * @return String
104      */
105     public String getLineEnding()
106     {
107         return this.lineEnding;
108     } //-- String getLineEnding()
110     /**
111      * Get the modelEncoding field.
112      * 
113      * @return String
114      */
115     public String getModelEncoding()
116     {
117         return this.modelEncoding;
118     } //-- String getModelEncoding()
120     /**
121      * Set absolute or relative from the module's directory.  For
122      *             example, "src/main/bin" would select this
123      * subdirectory
124      *             of the project in which this dependency is
125      * defined.
126      * 
127      * @param directory a directory object.
128      */
129     public void setDirectory( String directory )
130     {
131 = directory;
132     } //-- void setDirectory( String )
134     /**
135      * Set controls the line-endings of files in this fileSet.
136      *             <br/>
137      *             Valid values:
138      *             <ul>
139      *               <li><b>"keep"</b> - Preserve all line
140      * endings</li>
141      *               <li><b>"unix"</b> - Use Unix-style line
142      * endings</li>
143      *               <li><b>"lf"</b> - Use a single line-feed line
144      * endings</li>
145      *               <li><b>"dos"</b> - Use DOS-style line
146      * endings</li>
147      *               <li><b>"crlf"</b> - Use Carraige-return,
148      * line-feed line endings</li>
149      *             </ul>
150      * 
151      * @param lineEnding a lineEnding object.
152      */
153     public void setLineEnding( String lineEnding )
154     {
155         this.lineEnding = lineEnding;
156     } //-- void setLineEnding( String )
158     /**
159      * Set the modelEncoding field.
160      * 
161      * @param modelEncoding a modelEncoding object.
162      */
163     public void setModelEncoding( String modelEncoding )
164     {
165         this.modelEncoding = modelEncoding;
166     } //-- void setModelEncoding( String )
168 }