Apache Maven 1.x has reached its end of life, and is no longer supported. For more information, see the announcement. Users are encouraged to migrate to the current version of Apache Maven.


eclipse:eclipse (or simply "eclipse") The default goal. This goal simply executes the eclipse:generate-project and eclipse:generate-classpath goals. If the org.eclipse.wst.common.modulecore.ModuleCoreNature is found in maven.eclipse.projectnatures also calls the eclipse:generate-wtpmodules goal.
eclipse:clean Deletes the .project, .classpath and .wtpmodules files.
eclipse:generate-project Generates a .project file for eclipse describing the project and 'marking' it as a java project
eclipse:generate-classpath Generates a .classpath file for the eclipse project with classpath entries for
  1. the build source directory
  2. the build unit test source directory
  3. the JRE being used
  4. the appropriate version of JUnit
  5. each Maven project dependency
  6. an output directory for compiled code: target\classes
  7. any .zip source archives
eclipse:generate-wtpmodules Generates a .wtpmodules file for eclipse wtp marking the project as a j2ee module. Project with the maven.multiproject.type set to war are configured as web modules.

Generates an external tool entry for each goal available to a Maven project (depending of ${maven.eclipse.goals}) into a file named externaltools.xml

If the ${maven.eclipse.workspace} property is set, the file is copied to the correct location within that workspace

If the ${maven.eclipse.workspace} is not set, the file is created in the current directory, and should be manually copied to

${eclipse workspace}/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.ui.externaltools/externaltools.xml

Generates an external tool file for each default goal available to a Maven project into the ${maven.build.dir}/eclipse/ directory

If the ${maven.eclipse.workspace} property is set, the file is copied to the correct location within that workspace

If the ${maven.eclipse.workspace} is not set, the files should be manually copied to

${your eclipse workspace}/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.debug.core/.launches/
eclipse:add-maven-repo Ensures that the classpath variable MAVEN_REPO exists in the Eclipse environment.

The ${maven.eclipse.workspace} property must be set for this to succeed, and Eclipse must not be running.
eclipse:multiproject Launch the eclipse goal in a multiproject environment.

The properties ${maven.eclipse.multiproject.basedir}, ${maven.eclipse.multiproject.ignoreFailures}, ${maven.eclipse.multiproject.includes}, ${maven.eclipse.multiproject.excludes} are used to customize the behaviour of this goal.
eclipse:multiclean Launch the eclipse:clean goal in a multiproject environment.

The properties ${maven.eclipse.multiproject.basedir}, ${maven.eclipse.multiproject.ignoreFailures}, ${maven.eclipse.multiproject.includes}, ${maven.eclipse.multiproject.excludes} are used to customize the behaviour of this goal.