Apache Maven 1.x has reached its end of life, and is no longer supported. For more information, see the announcement. Users are encouraged to migrate to the current version of Apache Maven.

Maven JIRA Plug-in Settings

Property Optional? Description Default value
maven.jira.nbentries Yes

Defines the maximum number of issues we want to obtain into the report.


maven.jira.component Yes

Sets the component(s) of the project you want to limit your report to. Multiple components can be separated by commas (such as 10011,10012).

empty, meaning all components.

maven.jira.status Yes

Sets the status(es) of the project you want to limit your report to. Valid statuses are: Open, In Progress, Reopened, Resolved and Closed. Multiple values can be separated by commas.

Open, In Progress, Reopened

maven.jira.resolution Yes

Sets the resolution(s) of the project you want to limit your report to. Valid statuses are: Unresolved, Fixed, Won't Fix, Duplicate, Incomplete, Cannot Reproduce. Multiple values can be separated by commas.


maven.jira.priority Yes

Sets the priority(s) of the project you want to limit your report to. Valid statuses are: Blocker, Critical, Major, Minor, Trivial. Multiple values can be separated by commas.

empty, meaning any priority.

maven.jira.filter Yes

Defines the filter parameters to restrict the result issues from Jira. The filter parameters property must use the same format of url parameters from the Jira search url. Example: status=1&resolution=-1&priority=1&priority=3&priority=4&sorter/field=issuekey&sorter/order=DESC

Note: This string should not contain the parameters pid, tempMax and view.

Note: This filter overrides the status, resolution, priority and component properties.

maven.jira.jiraUser Yes

Defines the jira username for authentication into a private Jira instalation.

maven.jira.jiraPassword Yes

Defines the jira password for authentication into a private Jira instalation.

maven.jira.webUser Yes

Defines the http user for basic authentication into the Jira webserver.

maven.jira.webPassword Yes

Defines the http password for basic authentication into the Jira webserver.

maven.jira.proxy.ntlm.host Yes

The host to use if you are using NTLM authentication

maven.jira.proxy.ntlm.domain Yes

The NT domain to use if you are using NTLM authentication.

maven.jira.roadmap Yes

If set to true, a report on issues in the Jira roadmap is generated. This includes issues that are fixed in the current development version and issues that are scheduled to be fixed in the next release.
