Apache Maven 1.x has reached its end of life, and is no longer supported. For more information, see the announcement. Users are encouraged to migrate to the current version of Apache Maven.

Release History

1.5 2006-02-24
1.4.3 2005-08-08
1.4.2 2004-10-23
1.4.1 2004-07-10
1.4 unknown
1.3 2004-03-07
1.2 2003-09-29
1.1 Unknown

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Release 1.5 - 2006-02-24

fix Use maven.compile.src.set instead of pom.build.sourceDirectory . Fixes MPJXR-3. ltheussl
update Upgrade to maven-jxr 1.0 aheritier
fix Source X-Ref Plugin reverses backslashes. Fixes MPJXR-31. ltheussl
add New property to make inclusion of test Xref optional. Fixes MPJXR-32. ltheussl
update Update dependencies to match ones in maven 1.1 core and to unify them between plugins. The following dependencies are updated :
  • commons-collections v3.1 - > v3.0
  • commons-logging v1.0.3 - > v1.0.4
  • oro v2.0.7 - > v2.0.8
Fixes MAVEN-1712.

Release 1.4.3 - 2005-08-08

fix Close streams properly on errors Fixes MPJXR-20. Thanks to Ola Sandness. carlos
fix Ignor e Java 5 package-info.java files Fixes MPJXR-26. carlos
fix Fix malformed HTML when "package" or "import" used in the code/comments outside of the normal keyword use Fixes MPJXR-11. Thanks to Lukas Theussl. brett
fix Remove hardcoded encoding in templates. Fixes MPJXR-18. evenisse

Release 1.4.2 - 2004-10-23

fix Support enum types in Java 5.0 Fixes MPJXR-19. Thanks to Stephen Scaringi. brett
update Support encoding and lang. Fixes MPJXR-14. evenisse
update Add the possibility to run JXR for tests classes if sources classes doesn't exists. Fixes MPJXR-17. evenisse
fix Remove NullPointerException for empty java files. Fixes MPJXR-13. evenisse
update Reduce output for non-debug run. dion

Release 1.4.1 - 2004-07-10

update Update commons-* dependencies brett
fix Remove xmlns on html elements as JSL messes it up Fixes MPJXR-9. brett

Release 1.4 - unknown


Release 1.3 - 2004-03-07

update Apply MPJXR-8 Fixes MPJXR-8. dion
fix Apply patch from Nicolas De Loof for reduce open files during jxr process. evenisse
fix MAVEN-822 Fixes MAVEN-822. dion
fix MAVEN-797 Fixes MAVEN-797. dion

Release 1.2 - 2003-09-29

update update to commons-jelly-20030902.160215 dion
update update to use maven.docs.*/maven.gen.docs dion
update Move to oro 2.0.7 dion
update Upgrade to dom4j 1.4 dion
update Upgrade to commons-logging 1.0.3 dion
update update to commons-lang 1.0.1 dion
fix Fix Maven-428. Used maven.docs.dest Fixes MAVEN-428. evenisse

Release 1.1 - Unknown

fix Fix for bug Maven-178. Fixes MAVEN-178. evenisse