Apache Maven 1.x has reached its end of life, and is no longer supported. For more information, see the announcement. Users are encouraged to migrate to the current version of Apache Maven.

plugin Tag Library

uninstall Tag

A tag to uninstall a given plugin from the various plugin directories, including

  1. ${maven.plugin.dir}
  2. ${maven.plugin.user.dir}
  3. ${maven.plugin.unpacked.dir}
name No Usually this is ${pom.artifactId}

clearCache Tag

Clears the files used for caching plugin goals, dependencies and tag libraries from ${maven.plugin.unpacked.dir}

There are no attributes for this tag

validate-xml Tag

A tag to validate an arbitrary xml document against a schema or dtd.

schema No The schema file to use.
file No The file to validate.

assert Tag Library

This tag library is typically used in testing plugins. And are similar in usage to the assert methods in a JUnit test case.

assertFileExists Tag

Fails the build if the given file does not exist, otherwise no effect.

file No The path of the file to be checked
msg Yes A message to be displayed when the file doesn't exist

assertFileContains Tag

Fails the build if the given file does not contain the specified string, otherwise no effect.

file No The path of the file to be checked
match No The string to look for in the file
msg Yes A message to be displayed when the file doesn't contain the specified string

assertFileNotFound Tag

Fails the build if the given file does exist, otherwise no effect.

file No The path of the file to be checked
msg Yes A message to be displayed when the file doesn't exist

assertEquals Tag

Fails the build if the two values are not equal, otherwise no effect.

expected No The expected value
value No The actual value
msg Yes A message to be displayed when the values aren't equal.

assertPluginAvailable Tag

Fails the build if the given plugin does not exist or hasn't the minimal release number. Otherwise no effect.

groupId No The plugin's groupId
artifactId No The plugin's artifactId
minRelease No The minimum plugin's release
neededBy No The name of the plugin or project using this tag. It is used when the tag displays the error for the user.