Apache Maven 1.x has reached its end of life, and is no longer supported. For more information, see the announcement. Users are encouraged to migrate to the current version of Apache Maven.

Simian Properties

maven.simian.linecount Yes (default = 10) Specifies the minimum number of lines that is considered a match.
maven.simian.includetests Yes (default = true) Specifies whether simian should process the unit test files if present.
maven.simian.failonduplication Yes (default = false) Specifies whether the build should fail if a match is found.
maven.simian.ignorestrings Yes (default = false) Ignore strings (Java, C#, C, C++, JavaScript, COBOL): "one" and "two" would both match.
maven.simian.ignorestringcase Yes (default = false) Ignore string case (Java, C#, C, C++, JavaScript, COBOL): "Hello, World" and "HELLO, WORLD" would both match.
maven.simian.ignorenumbers Yes (default = false) Ignore numbers (Java, C#, C, C++, JavaScript, COBOL): int x = 1; and int x = 576; would both match.
maven.simian.ignoresubtypenames Yes (default = false) Ignore subtype names (Java): BufferedReader, StringReader and Reader would all match.
maven.simian.ignoremodifiers Yes (default = false) Ignore modifiers (Java, C#, C, C++, JavaScript): public, protected, static, etc.
maven.simian.includes Yes Specifies a comma-separated list of Ant patterns to use when matching files in the source tree to be included in the Simian report. The pattern specified is relative to ${maven.src.dir}. The default value is **/*.java, which matches all Java source files in the source tree (specified by the ${maven.src.dir} property.
maven.simian.excludes Yes Specifies a comma-separated list of Ant patterns to use when matching files in the source tree to be excluded from the Simian report. The pattern specified is relative to ${maven.src.dir}. The default value is to not exclude any files.
maven.simian.testincludes Yes Specifies a comma-separated list of Ant patterns to use when matching files in the test source tree to be included in the Simian report. The pattern specified is relative to ${pom.build.unitTestSourceDirectory}. The default value is **/*.java, which matches all Java source files in the source tree (specified by the ${pom.build.unitTestSourceDirectory} property.
maven.simian.testexcludes Yes Specifies a comma-separated list of Ant patterns to use when matching files in the test source tree to be excluded from the Simian report. The pattern specified is relative to ${pom.build.unitTestSourceDirectory}. The default value is to not exclude any files.