Apache Maven 1.x has reached its end of life, and is no longer supported. For more information, see the announcement. Users are encouraged to migrate to the current version of Apache Maven.

Release History

1.3 2004-05-15
1.2 2003-09-29

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Release 1.4-SNAPSHOT - in SVN

update Upgrade to Xerces 2.8.0. Replace the deprecated xmlParserAPIs by xml-apis 1.3.03. Add the xml-resolver dependency for xerces. Fixes MAVEN-1753. aheritier
update Update very old docs dion
fix Fix classpath for the Struts war validator dion
update Add a plugin test project that tests the validator dion
update Remove old pom.getPluginContext code dion

Release 1.3 - 2004-05-15

update Remove unneeded ant dependency dion

Release 1.2 - 2003-09-29

update Upgrade to dom4j 1.4 dion
update Upgrade to dom4j 1.4-dev-8 dion
update Upgrade to commons-logging 1.0.3 dion
update update to commons-lang 1.0.1 dion
update Updated to commons-collections 2.1 dion