Using the Webstart plugin is as simple as using the webstart:launch goal. However, to take advantage of the other features, the user can, if he wishes, follow these steps
goal to setup a Webstart
Cache at a user-defined location. You would call this goal from
inside your application project in case you want to change the
location of your Webstart Cache. This location is where Webstart
downloads all the jars for your application
goal if you want to
start the application locally. For this, you need to set the
property "maven.webstart.local = true". You would call this goal if
you access a Remote Application and the connection speed is not too
great. Using this goal reduces the time Webstart spends in detecting
a version update on the remote location.
goal to start Webstart on the
JNLP file you provide.
Note however, that the plugin can be used to call any of these goals individually. It is not necessary to call these goals in the specified order. Also, some mandatory environment-dependent properties need to be defined. See the Properties page for the details