Package org.apache.maven.artifact.ant

Class Summary
AbstractArtifactTask Base class for artifact tasks.
AbstractArtifactWithRepositoryTask Base class for atifact tasks that are able to download artifact from repote repositories.
AntDownloadMonitor Log wagon events in the ant tasks
AntResolutionListener Show resolution information in Ant.
AttachedArtifact Container for specification of an attached artifact.
Authentication Ant Wrapper for wagon authentication.
DependenciesTask Dependencies task, using maven-artifact.
DeployTask Deploy task, using maven-artifact.
InstallDeployTaskSupport Support for install/deploy tasks.
InstallTask Install task, using maven-artifact.
InstallWagonProviderTask Ant Wrapper for wagon provider installation.
LocalRepository Local repository type.
Mvn Ant task to execute a maven build.
Pom A POM typedef.
Profile Container for activating profiles
Proxy Ant Wrapper for wagon proxy.
RemoteRepository Remote repository type.
Repository Base class for a repository.
RepositoryPolicy Base class for a repository policy.
SpecificScopesArtifactFilter Filter to only retain objects in the given scope(s).
TypesArtifactFilter Artifact Filter which filters on artifact types.
VersionMapper Ant filename mapper to remove version info from filename when copying dependencies.

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