
The reports may use either range, date, or tag as the type for generating the reports. Only one type can be set. The change sets can be configured by setting the correct parameter for the chosen type. If type "date" is chosen, then the parameter dates should contain the start and stop dates for the date range. Similar configurations should be made for the "range" and "tag" types.

To generate the changelog reports, just add the following in your project's pom.xml:


Aside from the required plugin configuration parameters needed to generate the reports, all reports will refer to the scm elements inside the project descriptor for details regarding the connection to the project's SCM. Here is an example of the scm element inside the pom.xml:


Please refer to the Maven project descriptor for the description of the scm elements. It can be found here.

When you execute mvn site, you will see that the changelog, dev-activity and file-activity reports are included in the generated site.

Sample Changelog report

Sample Changelog Report

For a live report look here.

Sample Developer Activity report

Sample Developer Activity Report

For a live report look here.

Sample File Activity report

Sample File Activity Report

For a live report look here.