Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why do I need to use this plugin?
  2. The generated files have a lot of missing information. Looking at the POMs from the dependencies, the information isn't there either. What can I do?
Why do I need to use this plugin?

This plugin greatly reduces the pain associated with consistent packaging concerns across a large set of projects, or an entire organization. Any project can specify the use of a remote resource bundle and have the resources incorporated into their packaging. This means that you can create standard settings in a parent POM somewhere in the project hierarchy and have all projects use packaged common resources in a standard way like licenses, other legal notices and disclaimers, or anything else that may be common.


The generated files have a lot of missing information. Looking at the POMs from the dependencies, the information isn't there either. What can I do?

There are two solutions:

  1. File bugs with the projects that produced those artifacts to get them to fix them.
  2. Use a supplemental data file. You can create a file that contains the missing metadata. For example:
                        <name>Sun JAXB Reference Implementation Runtime</name>
                          <name>Sun Microsystems</name>
                            <name>COMMON DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION LICENSE (CDDL) Version 1.0</name>
    That location of that file can then be configured with the supplementalModels configuration element for the process goal. The supplemental information is merged with the information provided from the repository.
