Various tips for using this plugin

URL format

You must use a scm url format:


Example for svn: scm:svn:

And configure is as it:


NOTE: with svn, if the remote url doesn't exist, it will be created.

Git branch

To use git branch (for example: github gh-pages)


Improving SCM Checkout Performance

By default, a complete checkout is done. You can configure the plugin to try update rather than a full checkout/clone


By default, the scm content is checked-out/cloned to ${}/scmpublish-checkout, so when running mvn clean, all the content is deleted. You can configure a path to your machine to avoid full checkout. A recommended way is to use a property with a default value that your colleague will be able to override in their settings.

      <!-- override in your settings -->


Using alternate scm provider

You can use svnjava rather than default svn cli if you use a machine without svn cli.
