Configuring Custom Taglets

You could configure any custom taglets in your Javadoc Plugin configuration via the <taglet/>, <taglets/>, or <tagletArtifacts/> parameters, depending the number of taglets used.

For more information about the taglet technology, please refer to

One Taglet

For one known Taglet, just use the <taglet/> parameter:

  <reporting> (or <build>)
          <!-- <tagletpath>/path/to/taglet.jar</tagletpath> -->
  </reporting> (or </build>)

Several Taglets

For several known Taglets, just use the <taglets/> parameter:

  <reporting> (or <build>)
              <!-- <tagletpath>/path/to/taglet.jar</tagletpath> -->

              <!-- <tagletpath>/path/to/taglet.jar</tagletpath> -->
  </reporting> (or </build>)

If it is several Taglets in the same Taglet artifact, you could use the <taglets/> and the <tagletArtifact/> parameters:

  <reporting> (or <build>)


  </reporting> (or </build>)

If you don't know the Taglets or if you want to auto-detect Taglet class names, you could use the <tagletArtifacts/> parameter:

  <reporting> (or <build>)

  </reporting> (or </build>)